
And then I let him go



3 Years
Extra large
11-12-2018, 04:35 PM

Asha couldn't help but laugh at Cael's raised brow. It was painfully obvious that the younger girl had expected something a bit more impressive out of her but that wasn't exactly Asharya's problem, now was it? Hell, if she stuck around long enough she would get used to disappointment. Clearly not the shy sort, Caelestis proclaimed,"I call bullshit." Asha's laugh turned from a chuckle to a full blown fit.

Honestly she wasn't sure why it was so funny. Maybe it had just been a while since she had met anyone blunt enough to match her own straightforward way of speaking. It was refreshing, and damn funny too. "Listen Cael-snail, you've got to be at least a level three friend to unlock the tragic backstory. We'll get there when we get there." To be perfectly honest, she was just blowing the other shewolf off. Asha really didn't have much to show for her adventurous life so far, taking trophies had never really crossed her mind.

Caelestis easily agreed to her plan, which was another surprise, and so they set out. Asha struck a course that took them ever upward, looking out all the while for a vantage point worth navigating towards. Of course, this gave her time to throw together a suitably ridiculous story. She wondered absently how far se could stretch before Cael caught onto the shenanigans. The other wolf seemed pretty sharp, so it would have to be good. The landscape passed them by, beautiful and strange as all new places seemed to her. She called over her shoulder, "What about you?"

Actually wait, how much time had passed? That probably sounded random. Every now and then Asha had to remind herself that other wolves actually weren't privy to her inner monologue. She explained, "You talk a big game for someone not to have any stories of their own. Pass the time, whatcha got?" This ought to be good, right? Cael had already proved herself good for a laugh, so Asha had a few expectations for how this might go. Up ahead the trees seemed to clear, and she swiveled towards what she hoped might be a cliff's edge.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox