
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



7 Years
11-12-2018, 09:23 PM

She was late, she knew it and he was trying her best to get there as fast as she could.

She had a rather prime opportunity to take a large sized Takin yearling who had gotten separated from it's mother, had been lost, and was injured. Without the protection of the herd it was prime to take. Although it hadn't meant it was an easy task, because well it was bigger then her and it had sharp hooves. It was injured making her chances better, but the task in itself had gotten her.... a little beat up. She had been persistent and determined, wearing down the yearling until it was too exhausted to fight the ending bite to it's jugular. The next task had been to drag it home, which would surely poop her out.

She grunted as she yanked and pulled. Dragging her kill as fast as she could towards home. Only once she heard the summoning call had her trying desperately to go faster and faster. Dragging an animal bigger then yourself was not easy, but she had been determined. She had only been at Fossil Ridge, but it felt like the time it took her to get there. Finally her eyes could see the gathering and she kept pushing herself to drag the kill. Once close enough to the gathering she gave up, panting heavily as her eyes scanned the crowd.

She was seeking out Typhon's form and when she found it she smiled before pulling herself over there and heavily flopping herself down beside him, still panting as she cooled down her worked up form. She had made it even if she was one of the last one's to arrive. If anyone looked at the kill back behind her they would understand what took her smaller form so long to get here.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"