
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



8 Years

11-13-2018, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2018, 04:15 PM by Lücien.)
OOC Name: Kaiju
Which Adopt?: The brother that betrayed Ig
Name: Valkorion
Design: The one provided.
Appearance: The last remnants of a smoldering kingdom, Valkorion is painted in the blaze that snuffed out his former homeland. He is a transition; a near void at his flanks with a blush of mahogany. At his hindquarters, flakes of marigold and brick sprinkle in, like cinders fluttering through a scorched night’s air. The tip of the wolf’s tail fades into the emptiness that only can match his heart.
As you progress from the brute’s rump and travel along his spine, the mahogany is stripped, cut up by a burning glow of rich tangerine orange, maroon, and crimson. A raging fire is roaring in the wolf’s gut with such intensity that it stained his pelt with its flames. The same marigold embers flicker across his rib cage, in no particular pattern, adding to the illusion that the flames are truly licking up his body. Valkorion walks through stripped flames. His forepaws dipped in glowing coals, the fires drowning out in that same rich mahogany at his shoulders and chest.
The vast majority of the wolf’s nape is a warm maroon, it lightens towards his spine, and two thick cracks that resemble molten lava seeping out of the scorched earth split his mane. One at the base of his shoulders and the other just behind his cranium. The tips of Valkorion’s ears are shining brightly yellow. The right side of Valkorion’s face is splattered with flames of marigold and tangerine fading up into his forehead. The opposite side of Valkorion’s face is actually scared. The fur near his blood rich eye burned away, sizzled until it left his cheek hot with burns. The same scarring can be seen on his right rib cage and his back left paw. He has little sensation left in that pad.
Valkorion is built like a gladiator. He is board shouldered, barrel-chested, but his legs still slim enough for him to dodge and evade. A well-crafted tool of beauty and destruction. He is evenly balanced, average in length, but on the taller side. He stands proudly, his head high and chest bared. He moved with a dignified grace and can often present himself as snobbish. His eyes are piercing, burning with a rich blood red that can bore through any soul, aiming to pick apart their secrets. As everyone has them.

Personality: Monsters are created, not born. It took time to craft Valkorion into the cruel creature that he is today. Long ago were his virtues stripped away and warped, his naivety used against him until he grew jaded and bitter. His views of justice skewed, his heart darkened, and he turned cold and angry. The shell of a man was left void, lost and lingering as all he believed in was burned away. In the darkness, the shadows of his personality seeped in; spreading like a virus.

Merciless - The world has not been forgiving to Valkorion thus why should he be? Mercy is a sign of weakness, a sign that you cannot do what needs to be done, even if it's something soul-crushing. Time has proven to him that he cannot allow his enemies to walk among the living, he must be precise in his decisions and ultimatums are the only choices.

Vengeful - Perhaps the leading trait that turned Valkorion into the monster he is today. He seeks justice against those who have done him wrong or those who were tools in such things. To betray him is signing a contract of demise. He will hurt you. He will take from you more than you took from him. He will leave you begging for death and only when he's had his fill of justice will he grant you your final wish. He trusts very few and to break his trust brings out a demon that knows no bounds. He will make you suffer, make you pay until you take your last breath. The highest offence to Valkorion is betrayal by those he lets in.

Malevolent - To wish ill will on all would be foolish, he only wishes to punish and condemn those that do not follow under his law and rule. The world is his oyster and he the pearl for all to admire. He will take whatever measures necessary to ensure this. As that is how he was raised. He became zealous, drunk with the glory that was supposed to be his. At a time he was humble but when his birthright was stripped away be became bitter.

Calculating/Plotting - Two steps ahead of the rest, the man is always seeing possible avenues and outcomes. Overthinking may be an excellent descriptor as he has a plan for every outcome. It is difficult to surprise him (anymore), to pull the wool over his eyes and trip him up. Yes, he can be outmaneuvered, and generally, he has a great admiration for those that can outwit him, but it is not an easy task to undertake. Nature and the gods above have been the only ones to truly throw wrenches in his plans. Oh, and a woman, a snake of a woman.

Sly/Cunning - Ultimately, he is a snake in the grass, coiling around his prey, hissing sweet nothings as he positions his coils and tightens slowly. He does not give out his real name to strangers and prefers to be a hush on the wind, a shadow in the background lurking. Snickering as he plays others against each other. He is poison; a virus spreading with no signs of ill intentions until it is too late.

Apathetic/Callous - If you are looking for love, you are looking in all the wrong places. If you are looking for sympathy you have barked up the wrong tree. He does not care about your petty life. He simply cares if he can use you. If you have outlast your use then you will be tossed aside. The man may reach out for physical companionship, but he does not love easily.

Domineering/Commanding - He demands respect and will either force his hand verbally or physically. He holds herself in such a way that screams he expects others to give him the respect he deserves. He will prove himself worthy of such respect by punishing those that dare defy his authority, but he will never jump through hoops for another, as it is below him. If you don't respect him because you believe 'respect is won', he wont play your games.

Respectful of those in authority - Although he prefers to be at the top of the dogpile, he will recognize and follow legitimate authority. Should he be in a position where is more beneficial for him to follow than lead, so be it. He will follow and execute orders to the finest precision. So long, as it benefits him in the long run.

Skewed since of justice - Valkorion is at a constant search for justice. He wants vengence for those done wrong, not just for himself. He believes that justice can only be found when equal or greater payment has been made. Should your mate be murdered, than the mate and offspring, or family of the murderer must be slaughtered. Should you have your birthright stripped from you unfairly, then you must take it back b any means. Stripping life or position from the one who took it.

Charismatic - He could get the attention of a thousand with just his voice and aspiration alone. He is inspiring, with an uncanny ability to connect with others. Though, he may not truly care about the other’s plight, he is able to draw their attention and raise them to new heights. He approaches life with enthusiasm and insight. His motivation is pure, to seek justice, and his conquest to reach it never falters.

Charming/Elegant - He could charm the pants off a monk and cozy up to a nun. They would think of him as a sweetheart, a precious, delightful young man. As he is respectful, has a high sense of honor and prestige, making it is hard to see past the facade and fog he’s brewed.

Loyal - To a fault. Those that he allows into his inner circle are held with the highest trust. He would die for those that would die for him. He is trustworthy, in the sense that he would never betray you once you belong to his select circle, and that if you set a task before him, it would be accomplished. He is goal oriented, and at times this can over power his loyalty to an individual if the longevity of the mission is at risk. He's not betraying you if you're standing in the way of completing the ultimate goal. You're just a victim of friendly fire.

Proud - Do not expect this man to bow and kiss your feet, as he will not. He will follow legitimate authority, but he will not be enslaved nor will he kiss ass to another. You are not greater than his self-worth. Ultimately, he is narcissistic when he thinks of himself, and in his eyes, can be without flaw.

Trustworthy of his word/Honest - If he gives you his word then it can be taken with the up most confidence that it will stand. He is blunt, straight forward, and callous. The man is genuine, albeit, he may not have the sweetest things to say, he is at least not sugarcoating things. He doesn’t lie often, and as a rule, only does so if it is to be of great benefit to him.

Fair - He may be cold but she is always fair. Each will get their share as was outlined by the agreement. He expects others to do their share and in return will be rewarded. In his eyes, fair does not mean equal either. This can come across as merciless to others but at the end of the day, it is just. What's fair to him, may not be seen as fair to others.

Alignment Lawful Evil

History: The first year of Valkorion's life was luxurious in a sense. The chosen pup in the first litter of the mighty ruler Mars. He was plucked from his siblings and regarded as the one who would finally put an end to the Northern wolves. He was pampered, glorified, and trained diligently. And Valkorion excelled. He lavished the attention, the fame, and the skills he acquired. Glory sparkled in his eye like the stars shining in clear night skies. He believed in the words that were told to him. That he would be the greatest among all of the Southern wolves.
But he stayed humble. He did not boast, gloat, or hold his privilege above his littermates. They too were essential to his success. Each one was given a task, a protector, a healer, a confident, etc. They each rose to their potential quickly. They knew little about struggle, strife, and adversity.
Then it all came to a sudden halt. Their entire first year they had been prompted to hate the North. To see them as beneath them. But Mar was sought out by the North and there were whispers of peace and a treaty. This brought an opportunity to the young wolf. His mind was expanded, his views began to change. In his naïve youth he was easy to manipulate, easy to influence. As Mars and Eira began to court and a relative peace fell among them, Valkorion found himself intermixed with wolves of the North. A young girl, who reminded him of the night settling over the land, caught his eye. She was kind and gentle, nothing like what he had ever been told about the Northern wolves. The two found love.
A litter was to be born, not long before Mars and Eira were to wed. Valkorion was convinced that this was how he was to end the quarrels between the North and South. A union of true love not one of power or politics. Mars demanded that Valkorion kept his affair a secret. Their father far more manipulative than what Valkorion had ever conceived. Mars hid Valkorion’s love and litter away. Sending them to a last oasis. Mars told Valkorion it was just too soon, that the people would not accept them. When in truth, Mars wanted his name to go down in history as the one who would unite the two kingdoms.
Four months of secret and solitude would pass. Mars and Eira wed and she glowed with new life blossoming in her belly. Mars turned to the oasis. He greeted his grandpups as always and led them to the water’s edge. The young mother, gleeful for the opportunity to find herself a meal turned away from Mars. She went off on a hunt that would be her last. When Valkorion went to check on his mate and pups he found Mars weeping above several young bodies. Mars claimed that some rogue found them and desperate for a meal he tried to eat the pups while Valkorion’s beloved was hunting. Mars had gone for a visit but he was too late, he could only stop the attacker from consuming the poor creatures and catch a gleamed of Cassandra running into the distance after another wolf.
Valkorion distraught by what he saw and enraged stormed off into the setting sun. He sought his beloved and the murderer of his children. Little did he know, the deed had been carried out by someone he thought he could trust with his life.
The deaths changed Valkorion. He became cold and distant. He withdrew himself from nearly all social aspects. He stayed in the shadows, listening and waiting. The evidence that he found of his mate’s murderer had led him back home but then the trail grew cold. It was one calm, silent night, just before the birth of Mars’ new litter that Valkorion heard whispers on the wind. The truth of his father’s betrayal came to light. Enraged, Valkorion attacked his father in his sleep. He would have been successful in killing him had it not been for the guards returning to their post.
Valkorion should have been exiled or executed for his treason, but Mars sought a more fitting punishment. He would be stripped of his title and forced to be the watchdog and trainer of the newest litter. Until the time was right, Mars had Valkorion sent away, he was locked up and beaten into submission. He would be a slave to his father’s demands, one way or another. But Valkorion was intelligent, crafty, and cunning. As his bitterness grew his plan blossomed. He’d have his vengeance one day.
Valkorion returned to the kingdom three months after the birth of the new heir, his replacement. He resented this pup with his entirety but he put up an award winning show. He even saved the young prince’s life when he fell into the rushing river. Trust grew for Valkorion, and Mars loosened his watchful grip on him. This gave Valkorion the chance to seek out others. He needed to gather followers to ensure his plan would come to flower.
He found his siblings and horrified by what they heard rallied with their brother. Then he found the girl who would be the key to his success. She was witty, pretty, and cunning. The perfect tool to slip in and eventually be the demise of Mars’ precious mixed blood. She was a tool, nothing more to him, but he trusted her. He found her to be a friend, someone he could talk to openly without judgment. He let her into his heart and allowed it to soften. Little did he know, she too would betray him.
And we all know the story from there. But what many don’t know, is how he truly found his justice against Kirsi. When she whelped his nieces and nephews all but one would be killed. A life for a life. Four pups would die, the same number of children that had been taken from him. The fifth, lay weak and appeared lost just like its siblings, but it would survive. Valkorion took in this pup and he found a new mother who would raise it as her own. Valkorion never lied to this pup. He told it the entire story and he warped their views of justice into his own. This pup worshipped Valkorion, found honor in his decisions, and would do anything for him. So when Valkorion got word of where his brother and the rest of his fractured family fled, he and the pup started their journey to end this sad story. The two would be separated, the pup being left with a small family as a rogue life was not suited for raising a child.

RP Sample: Glossy eyes of crimson stared upwards into the dying sky. Darkness pulled across the horizon, in the East, the sky was ink but as you moved towards the West, it warmed. Deep navy, sapphire, cyan, and cornflower blue, then vibrant yellow-green as the sun sank below the skyline. The wolf sighed heavily. Anxiety clouded the air leaving his chest feeling lighter. He sat no longer with thoughts of the past. His scorched paws being placed on the soft earthen soil in slow, steady strides. His mind drifted from the night to the path that lay before him. Would he go right or left? One way lead to freedom and the other lead to destruction. It was unclear if it would be his or his brothers, but at the end of it all, one of them would take their last breath.
He contemplated as he strolled forward. He could change his mind, end this now and let the both of them find peace. That wouldn’t give him the justice he sought though. The judgement and punishment for his victimization had been voided when the kingdom was destroyed by the reactor. So he had to right things. Valkorion couldn’t let the criminals go without punishment just because the court house was disintegrated. Valkorion would bring the gavel to them.
The wolf took in a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as he exhaled and trudged forward. His ears swiveled back in determination, eyes narrowed and pupils contracting. He moved like a furious wind. Sweeping across the rough terrain, his aura lashing out. Electricity fizzled in the air as his rage burned brighter. How could this world be so cruel? How could so much injustice befall him? Why was he raised to be the next great king of the Southern kingdom only to have it ripped from him by the one who put him on that pedestal? Deep down, he knew his hate for his brother was misplaced, the one he truly loathed was Mars, but all Valkorion could see was red. He wanted to hurt Mars as much as he had hurt him, and Ignatius was the key. The replacement had to fall from grace just like Valkorion had.

Plots: Death, distruction, and mayham! Naw, but really... He wants to cause as much trouble for Ig as possible, he is unsure of Kirsi, he feels as though he's had his vengance against her. He might try to reconsile with her in some way. Maybe a love-hate kinda thing, maybe they only have each other. Depends on how well Ig forgives/trusts her. I do want his litermates to pop up here too help cause issue for Ig, and I am hoping you're down with that one surviving pup coming in. He'd use them as a sleeper agent or something. Leverage against Kirsi, heartache against both parents. I would like for him to find some sorta love interest, maybe rekindle some of the kinder aspects of his personality.

Goals: Screw things up for Ig... That's kinda about it right now. Other things will probably come to mind as his story progresses though. He might join a rival pack and fill their leader’s head with doubt about Ig and his goals.