
Sinking Into Sweet Uncertainty



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-13-2018, 09:28 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

Drífa had been out longer than she'd intended. Well over a week had gone by as she'd journeyed southward to gather herbs that were fading quickly into fall and would soon succumb to winter. A good size bundle was wrapped neatly in a rabbit skin that she carried in her mouth. She'd had to stop frequently to give her jaw a rest and she vowed to find a better way to carry her stores.  The sun was out but despite its brightness the air was still chilly. The wind in the gorge certainly wouldn't help but she'd found such a useful variety of herbs it seemed like the best place to make her den.

She was just about to cross into the gorge when she caught the scent of other wolves. Her brow burrowed as she dipped her head to sniff at the scent markings. Two things struck her at once. First, this was definitely a pack border. How had a pack managed to spring up in the week she was gone? How was she going to get her stores? But the second was how familiar the scents were. Were these really the scents of Eira's children?  Yes, they had to be. She was certain.

Drífa lifted her head and hesitated. A rush of intense emotions rushed through her, namely shock. Shock at running across them after nary a sign that anyone was about but her and further shock that they'd already established a pack.  She had to give it the little squirts, they were certainly efficient. Well, Drífa had no intention of abandoning her stores and it was worth it just to see what was going on here and maybe, just maybe if she had a home. She didn't care much for Eira and Mars union, peace or not, but she couldn't very well hold that grudge against the kids. They'd had no say in the matter after all. But there were still so many unanswered questions. Questions she wasn't sure she wanted an answer to.

Tipping back her head she howled.