
Vespers of Summer



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-13-2018, 11:58 PM
Sure enough, Ig heard someone call out and his head swung to gaze in the direction of the caller, halting before he could think better of it. The woman he spotted in the depths of the cave was certainly intriguing. He couldn't make out enough to be certain, but she seemed pale and her fur grew to lengths that he'd assumed were unheard of here. For once he'd discovered someone who would not look out of place among the more vibrant and sometimes mutated wolves he was familiar with. Between her appearance and the words she spoke, he suddenly found himself no longer interested in fleeing.

Perhaps with some slight hesitation still in his movements, Ignatius would approach, one brow raised as he meandered closer. "Well, now you have me curious. Not only is crimson not an unfamiliar color to you, but you have 'walls'?" Initially he hadn't thought it possible, but now he was considering the possibility that there might be places here that weren't so different from what he knew. Or, at the very least there were traces of familiarity. While the lands weren't peppered with as many of the old human structures he'd lived among, apparently there was at least one wolf wandering the lands who wasn't of a natural color.

As he made his way closer, still keeping a respectful distance, his pelt would begin to illuminate the shadowy interior of the cave. The further he wandered into the stone-walled space the more he would likely begin to appear like a torch. Well, maybe his glow was a touch dimmer than the light cast by real flames, but it was still enough in a dark enough space. "My name is Ignatius Agnivo. And who are you, if you don't mind my asking?" Her fur seemed to glitter as the intensity of his glow grew, though he was still far enough away that he wondered if he might be imagining it.