
Mid-day musings

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-14-2018, 02:41 PM
He didn't actually expect her to accept his invitation into Abaven, but she seemed like she had seen much and lived to tell the tale. He would have been more than happy to extend the invitation to her four times over. She did decline him with grace, and that might have made the rejection sting all the more. Thorne was correct though, such a hasty decision would lead to the possibility of heartache and disappointment. He didn't really know her after all, not anymore than she knew the lands around her. He bowed his head in defeat, but respect at her wise actions. 

He brought his dual colored gaze back up her her bright blue sapphires as she offered him a saving grace. She would not forget him or his offer. 

"Really that is much more than I should have asked for," he replied with as much grace as he could muster. "I appreciate that you will keep me in mind." He found himself grinning at the thought of being on her mind. He didn't have much experience with the opposite sex, when he was a slave most were his masters and now most were his family. He had never been alone with one that was neither, and the realization made butterflies explode into his gut. Thankfully his fur was dark enough she might not notice how red his cheeks flushed. 

"And if you do see anything unusual, don't uh.. Hesitate to stop by." His words were much less confident as he added an after thought.