
No Postcode Envy

Gargoyle I


07-09-2013, 10:10 PM

Gargoyle was no longer in a good mood. He hadn't been that great when the day had started off. Something was brooding in the back of his head. Old thoughts he didn't like. He'd thought all that was long past him, but today... today wasn't a good day. Anyway, he'd taken himself away from his pack, knowing that during these sort of days it was best for him to be alone, and he'd gone off in search of something raw and red and delicious. Or maybe he'd just go fishing. Fishing could be calming. While his stomach decided what it wanted, his paws drew him further and further away from Mt. Volkan. He remained in the west though, following stray scents and game trails until he found a lush green forest opening up before him. Once he was beneath the leafy canopy, he declared it to look more like a jungle. It had so many layers of greenery, from the grass and ferns to the hundred types of bushes and thickets, to the trees - and even the trees, as though not emerald enough, had ivy and creepers and tendrils spiraling up and over it until the woods became so thick that it nigh on impossible to see more than a dozen yards ahead.

And of course Gargoyle already smelled the snakes. So he'd made it into Serpent Plains hmm? He'd heard the name, and this place certainly belonged to it, though for plains, there were plenty of forests tucked into the corners and dips of the land. Gargoyle followed a faint muddy trail frequented by deer. It curved here, banked there, took him under a tree which had fallen at a propped up angle, and then eventually brought him to a rippling stream. Of course, it wasn't just rippling by stone or wind. He saw the head of cotton mouth disappear under the surface. He didn't smell any eggs or nesting scents nearby though, so continued unafraid to the water's edge and dipped his head down, lapping at the water at first, and then, after a moment, dunking his whole head in. Refreshing. He pulled back and shook himself, hoping to open his eyes with a clearer head. But as his lids raised, revealing lizard like yellow-eyes, he had a bit of a shock. There was another wolf here! Sitting on the other side of the river, backed up from the bank! She was mainly white, but bore bronze markings that made her look as though she might have been related to Gargoyle's sister Crusade. But he hadn't planned on seeing anyone today. He'd come out here to get away from wolves, and yet here he was probably looking absolutely ridiculous as the water dripped down the side of his face.