
Lolaf plotter



7 Years
Extra large
11-14-2018, 11:41 PM
It's only been a million years since I made a proper one of these, for all my characters.

[Image: avatar_3199.png?dateline=1536426628]
Adarra Malthael ☆ Celestial (soon) ☆ 4 year ☆ Female ☆ Heterosexual ☆ Single

Adarra is a shy one, introverted, preferring to keep the spotlight off herself if she can help it. But that doesn't mean she's unfriendly, in fact she desires to please others; often to a fault. Adarra is naive and can easily be manipulated; but she has some hard and fast rules. Murder or other heinous crimes are unforgivable in her eyes. Adarra is also pretty flighty, easily spooked.

Looking for: 
-Skill threads
-Potential Love Interests
-Just threads in general

[Image: avatar_3228.png?dateline=1538189997]
Anoixi WreckageLirim ☆ Pup ☆ Male ☆ idk☆ Single

Anoixi is like most pups, he's eager to learn and explore and has a tendency to cause some mischief. But he's not really too into meeting new wolves, not that he'll be rude to new wolves but he's not exactly a social butterfly. I haven't had a chance yet to explore his skill too much yet but he's going to want to become a healer like his mother. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
- Beginner healing threads
- Pack Threads

[Image: avatar_2950.png?dateline=1525492632]
Célestin Adravendi ☆ Lirim ☆ 1 year ☆ Male ☆ Bisexual ☆ Emotionally Taken (but technically single)

Célestin is endlessly friendly and endlessly optimistic. He was born and raised in Lirim so hasn't seen to much of the world beyond but is now of an age that he can go see the greater world. He is a little charmer, capable of making friends wherever he goes. He's currently training to become a fighter and also dealing with some family drama. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
- Spars
- Pack Threads
-New friends/crushes

[Image: avatar_2817.png?dateline=1515312735]
Darya Lunashka-Morningstar ☆ Loner ☆ 1 year ☆ Female ☆ Bisexual ☆ Single

Darya is a gentle giant, born from Samael she got her father's dire genes and could easily knock anyone over with her sheer muscle, but she's no fighter. In fact the girl is painfully shy and never really got over losing her only friends when her father moved his family southward. She's also currently having some troubles coming to terms with the fact her family is very much fractured right now. She's focusing mostly on improving her healing skills right now. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
- Healing threads
-Potential Love Interests

[Image: 348kl8m.jpg?dateline=1436054130]
Hymn Destruction☆ Loner ☆ 9 year ☆ Male ☆ Pansexual ☆ Taken

Hymn is mostly just kicking around to be with his family and spend his last few years in comfort and see his kids live their lives. He may be joining Lirim depending on how his mate feels but is otherwise hanging around that area to be with his mothers. He's mellowed out a decent amount in his old age but there is still a spark of adventure in him. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Potential final litter plots, idk depends on what's happening with Oria.

[Image: Rx69GtU.png?dateline=1511738072]
Magnolia Wreckage ☆ Niente ☆ 5 year ☆ Female ☆ Bisexual ☆ Single

Maggie is a dedicated to the ideal of her merchant persona, she's willing to give most anything for something in return. She likes to give nicknames and will allow anyone to call her whatever they want so long as they don't mind her coming up with a nick name for them. Maggie loves to be social and has long learnt to allow most things to roll of her back meaning she can get along with just about anyone so long as they aren't murderers and rapists. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Pack threads
-Healing/Intellect threads
-Potential Love Interests

[Image: avatar_2926.jpg?dateline=1531865533]
Nura Abraxas ☆ Archon's Band ☆ 5 year ☆ Female ☆ Asexual, Biromantic ☆ Single

Nura is a bit of an odd one, she is dedicated to seeing the rise of the fallen god as most of her family is but she doesn't tend to fall into a lot of the same fanatical devotion that many of her family exhibit. She believes herself an oracle, visions of misfortune plague her and has dedicated her whole life and gift to her family along with her twin sister. Nura doesn't tend to emote too much, she lives her life pretty neutrally outside of her devotion to her family. Nura is also blind. As an asexual character she doesn't experience physical attraction however she is not totally incapable of feeling romantically inclined towards others. She does however believe it is her duty to provide further heirs to the cause so is actively looking to have at least one litter right now.  

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Band Threads
-Healing threads
-Potential Love Interests
-No strings attached litter(s)

[Image: avatar_2863.png?dateline=1538006612]
Octave Destruction ☆ Abaven (soon) ☆ 2 year ☆ Male ☆ Bisexual ☆ Single

Hymn's sweet healer son, Octave has selective mutism brought on by generalize anxiety. This tends to manifest when faced with strangers. Still he cares about others a lot and thus has dedicated himself to the art of healing. Despite this he also takes after his parents and has a deep wanderlust. He also will eventually have a ring tailed lemur companion that will help him bridge the gap his mutism causes. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Healing/Navigation threads
-Potential Love Interests

[Image: avatar_3059.png?dateline=1527560183]
Pari ☆ Loner ☆ 3 year ☆ Female ☆ Bisexual ☆ Single

Pari was a former lamb of Ruina and now has no where to go, she's only ever lived as a slave and so doesn't know how to function without a master to give her a purpose in life. She's suffering right now as she lacks the abilities to care for herself. There is the potential for a plot of a romance helping to bring Pari into more independence and give her a sense of self worth or she could remain a fully dependent slave. She's more likely to follow a former member of Ruina right now as she sees them as all her former masters. 

Looking for: 
-A new master
-A potential romance
-Maybe a litter or two

[Image: avatar_3269.png?dateline=1542237687]
Souzan Agnivo ☆ Loner ☆ 3 year ☆ Male ☆ Bisexual ☆ Single

I legit don't have any better way to describe Souzan than as the big brother type, he's protective and loyal. He cares very deeply for his siblings in particular but if he likes you he'll be a fast friend. He mostly keeps to himself, communicating more in grunts than words, though he is capable of full speech. He's also an open book emotions wise, Souzan doesn't care much that he's incredibly easy to read. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
- Intellect/Hunting threads
- Potential Love Interests

[Image: ysBXQCS.png?dateline=1526962154]
Torin Adravendi-Valentine ☆ Lirim ☆ 3 year ☆ Male ☆ Heterosexual ☆ Taken

Torin is the primary alpha of Lirim, he's socially awkward and generally prefers not to speak if he can help it, unfortunately for him he's an alpha now and his job is to talk. (Ha!) He's not exactly shy, simply not understanding the need for lots of social interactions and when he does interact with others he can come off as abrasive. That's simply because he's terrible at beating around the bush. Despite this he has a deep love for family and a desire to protect the weak; he has a strong sense of justice. 

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Pack Threads
- Spars
-Intellect threads

[Image: avatar_2993.png?dateline=1520550656]
Wyvern Ancora ☆ Loner ☆ 1 year ☆ Female ☆ IDK ☆ Single

Wyvern is a little spoiled princess, she comes with a leopard companion who's very protective of her wolf friend. Wyvern is currently up north with Dragon, getting used to the idea of having a father and getting to know him. She's not been socialized much outside of her family so to be honest I'm not totally sure how she'll react to strangers. She's chaotic neutral so she's not gonna turn her nose up at anyone darker, she will turn her nose up for most any other reason but then she wouldn't be a princess if she didn't.  

Looking for: 
-Family threads
-Hunting/Intellect threads
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3