
Lips Of An Angel


07-09-2013, 10:22 PM

Liar. It's okay, you know. You don't have to act tough in front of a healer. We're both wolves after all. Of course she would sniff out his lie. It was obvious that he wasn't alright. No one who could've been nearly decapitated by a moose and was now sitting in a pool of their own blood was not alright. And yet Demyan went on right ahead and pretended like he was, for the sake of his ego. How would he ever let himself live down the fact that he had been saved by a little girl? It was absolutely ridiculous. What would his sister think when she found out? Surely she would mock him, taunt him for the rest of his days. She would never let him live it down.

The child's blue eyes were stern for several moments, a glance towards her telling him as much, a second glance allowing him to notice that the sternness had faded from her eyes. She shouldn't be helping him. He was the type of wolf that her parents had probably warned her about and told her to stay away from and yet here she was, trying to heal him. Was she stupid or simply didn't have any concern for her own personal safety? He could've ended her life at any moment since her arrival and yet the dual pelted child remained breathing, standing before him. She should've left. Damn kid and their lack of awareness of the bad things out in the world. The entire situation was completely confusing and it was throwing the usually killer hellion for a loop. He needed to kill her and yet he couldn't bring himself to do it. There was something about her, he had absolutely no idea what it was, that somehow prevented him from killing her. The fact that she had so bravely put herself in the line of fire, put herself in possible life-threatening danger to help a stranger was shocking to the gargantuan man. Could it be that...he liked the little medic? That was completely impossible! Demyan didn't like other wolves, he simply used them for his own pleasure and dumped them like yesterday's scraps. He couldn't like her, it was impossible for him. He wasn't capable of caring for another being other than himself (his sister not included). Or was he?

Movement from the little medic caught his attention and he watched as she crossed over him, putting her body parallel to his on his right side, her dual-colored plume resting beside his head she examined the splinters that covered his lower spine and partial right haunch. He was about to snap at her to leave them alone when her teeth grabbed at the nearest ones, pulling at it. A roaring bellow erupted from his larynx, audits flattening against his skull as he snarled in her direction, bruised muscles twitching as she pulled two more, several more bellows of distress bursting from his pale lips as he lowered his head, a low snarl still rumbling in his chest. Why are you helping me?

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