
This Love is Gonna be the Death of Me


11-15-2018, 05:15 PM
Autumn was one of Aspen's favorite season, partly because it finally offered her a relief from the searing sun against her raven furs, but also because she absolutely loved what the weather did to the earth. As a traveler, she had been across a great deal of various places; stretching from the wide grass planes of the west to vast forests  in the east to the tallest peaks of the north, but no matter how many different places she visited, Autumn would transform them all. Autumn would turn the grass planes shades of faded green and eventually grow golden as the warmth of longer summer days passed and the frosts began to come. It turned the forests into a brilliant display of colors ranging from the classic summer green to a deep russet red and every color in between. To the north, where mountain ranges could be found, the chill of frost that plague the south would turn even colder, resulting in peaks tipped with white snow. It was truly a magnificent sight to see what mother nature could come up with, and the fact she did it every year, earned her even more respect.

While Autumn could be seen from her new home in the Weeping Woods, Aspen enjoyed journeying beyond the borders of Kesali to get a better feel for the turning of seasons. So the young woman decided to head out west along the ocean borders, letting her legs stretch out as she turned her casual outing into an exercise run, before returning to her normal pace. She would travel through a fair amount of different environments but none seemed to really show the beauty of fall like she knew it could. That is, until she came upon a surplus of large trees. "Ah, now this is what I'm talking about!" A great big grin spread across her maw as she entered the forest, pleasantly surprised to find a layer of leaves already fallen to the forest floor. As a pup, Aspen could recall spending times like this with her siblings, running about the world without a care, bursting through the leaves like a bat out of hell just to see them fall once more. She had a great puphood of course, but the memories she had with her family in autumn, those could quite easily be one of her favorites.

This forest was just as grand as she needed it to be. Where maple and cedar trees held beautiful colors, the pines stood as green as ever, making a stunning contrast. Even the woodland creatures, like the chubby chipmunk that wobbled by with a face stuffed of winter provisions, added to the whole appeal of fall. She was especially moved by the geese that flew overhead, honking their characteristic honk, southbound for the winter. It was a sure sign that autumn was in full swing, and that winter was approaching quickly. She was so infatuated with the birds, her head tilted nearly vertically, that she hardly had the chance to react when her footing was suddenly gone, and her body was lurching forward unexpectedly. "Geez-oof!" Her voice cried out as she stumbled down a, thankfully, short stretch of the ravine. By the time her body landed in a heap on the ravine floor, there were several cuts and scrapes along the curves of her body, along with an impressive amount of dirt and debris.

"Where and the heck did that come from?" She coughed in disbelief to herself, craning her head back up the way she came. In truth, there was really no one to blame for her clumsiness than herself, but she wouldn't let Branch know that. No, before she returned home, she would have to come up with a far better story. Maybe she was... chasing a rabbit? Yea that's good. Then the rabbit... dove into it's hole and... Aspen went tumbling down a ravine. It wasn't a great lie, and it still held truth, but it would have to do until she could figure out something better. When the raven girl moved to stand, there was a sudden, sharp pain at the base of her front paw causing her to hiss. When she had lifted it to inspect it, figuring there was some sort of twig or rock wedged between her toes from the fall, she found only a few pebbles. Shaking them quickly, she once again turned to be on her merry way, when the pain again shot up her leg causing her to flinch. "Bumbling bees that stings!"
