



8 Years

11-15-2018, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 10:04 AM by Lücien.)
Out-of-Character Name: Kaiju
Age: 28, at least for a few more months.

Character's Name: Valkorion Agnivo
Character Age: 4 Years
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 38"
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:  The last remnants of a smoldering kingdom, Valkorion is painted in the blaze that snuffed out his former homeland. He is a transition; a near void at his flanks with a blush of mahogany. At his hindquarters, flakes of marigold and brick sprinkle in, like cinders fluttering through a scorched night’s air. The tip of the wolf’s tail fades into the emptiness that only can match his heart.
As you progress from the brute’s rump and travel along his spine, the mahogany is stripped, cut up by a burning glow of rich tangerine orange, maroon, and crimson. A raging fire is roaring in the wolf’s gut with such intensity that it stained his pelt with its flames. The same marigold embers flicker across his rib cage, in no particular pattern, adding to the illusion that the flames are truly licking up his body. Valkorion walks through stripped flames. His forepaws dipped in glowing coals, the fires drowning out in that same rich mahogany at his shoulders and chest.
The vast majority of the wolf’s nape is a warm maroon, it lightens towards his spine, and two thick cracks that resemble molten lava seeping out of the scorched earth split his mane. One at the base of his shoulders and the other just behind his cranium. The tips of Valkorion’s ears are shining brightly yellow. The right side of Valkorion’s face is splattered with flames of marigold and tangerine fading up into his forehead. The opposite side of Valkorion’s face is actually scared. The fur near his blood rich eye burned away, sizzled until it left his cheek hot with burns. The same scarring can be seen on his right rib cage and his back left paw. He has little sensation left in that pad.
Valkorion is built like a gladiator. He is board shouldered, barrel-chested, but his legs still slim enough for him to dodge and evade. A well-crafted tool of beauty and destruction. He is evenly balanced, average in length, but on the taller side. He stands proudly, his head high and chest bared. He moved with a dignified grace and can often present himself as snobbish. His eyes are piercing, burning with a rich blood red that can bore through any soul, aiming to pick apart their secrets. As everyone has them.
Skills: Fighting and Hunting

Proof of Purchases: Monster's post with Caelestis Coloration pass
Proof of Adoption: Link
NEW MEMBERS ONLY!: Two additional inches to his height.