
I Took a Pill in Ibiza


11-15-2018, 06:53 PM
Eyes watched closely as his face seemed to lighten up more, making her tail sway a bit more knowing he was in good spirits. It was interesting to hear that his mother was a healer as well, making her wonder if he carried the same gene like her brother had. "Are you a healer like your mother?" She couldn't really smell any scent of herbs on him, but that could be any number of things. Some healers couldn't stand the smell of the herbs they worked with and had to clean themselves often, others simply didn't roll around in it like everyone else seemed to. His remark on finding treasure had her cackling out in laughter. She was certainly no expert, but she would do her damn hardest to find him something to go home with now. "Stick with me kid, we'll find that treasure." She would say with a light bump of her shoulder, which would normally hit his shoulder but he was so damn tall she ended up hitting somewhere below it.

When he stopped in his tracts it made her head swerve back to see what he was trying to show her, and when her eyes caught sight of something shiny, she immediately turned around to examine it. Around his wrist was a beautifully crafted band of leather, showing off a stunning gem of a lightning bolt. "Woah..." she would mumble to herself softly as she gently took his paw in her own to turn it over and get a better look at it. There were a few spots in the seems that seemed to be coming undone, telling her Tyranis wore this bracelet very often, but otherwise in rather good shape. It was simple yet elegant, which she found very fitting for his personality. Finally she would lift her gaze with a dazzling smile, "She did a beautiful job. Might have to ask her to whip something up for me if we find anything down here." With that, she would place his paw back down with a final look at his bolt before turning back to the corridor ahead. "What's the bolt mean, if you don't mind me asking?"
