
I Took a Pill in Ibiza


11-15-2018, 07:54 PM
Storm was a beautiful name, simple in nature but so powerful just the same. The real beauty, however, was to hear that his dam had chosen to name all of her pups after the weather. It was kid of remarkable. Almost like what her family had done but a bit more specific. Aspen grinned at the idea of Tyranis being named after a God, and a shimmer of mischief dwindled in her eyes as she turned to him. "Tyranis, God of Thunder," she would bow herself almost dramatically to the ground, arms outstretched before her. "I am so very honored to have you here with me today." She could hardly contain her laughter, but was able to hold it back until the very end, where she let a wave of giggles slip past her tongue. Finally she would lift herself from the ground shaking her head softly, "I can't believe you got named after a legit God, and my mother ended up naming me after a tree" It almost seemed unfair.

After walking a few more feet around a corner, silence grew boring and Aspen worked face to fill it."So how many siblings do you have, exactly?" She could only imagine having so many weather related names for so many pups, whereas her mother had an abundance of litters and thus needed a theme with abundance. Though she imagined, at the rate her family was growing at, they would soon need to start considering names outside of their normal box. Another question popped into her head, but for once, Aspen decided against voicing it out loud. She had wanted to ask where they all were, this big weather themed family of his, but she realized that could be a very sensitive subject if asked to the wrong wolf. So she would put that one on the back burner until she got a better vibe on the subject.
