
Ninjas, anyone?

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-16-2018, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 04:01 PM by Rhyme I.)
Dang it Laz! I couldn't resist. Also if I don't get the crush I'm down with making her a cousin or joe schmo

Crush App
Name: Velvette Barkpaw
Age: 1 born in spring
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral 

Description: -23" 55lbs- Taking after her name the girl has smooth dark velvet fur. A base coat of charcoal gray upon her back lightens to an ash under her neck down across her belly and under her tail. Her legs an paws are also this silvery color. Upon this gradient rest beautiful black rosettes that shrink into smaller spots around her face and down her legs. Her eyes are lined in inky black and down her thickly furred neck are markings more akin to stripes than spots. Her tail also boasts stripes down the length of it.

She is of a lithe and light build, long legs carry her athletic body. Easily described as a tiny dancer the young woman has proportions similar to a yearling doe. With large expressive ears and attentive eyes she is built to be nocturnal.

Blessed with brilliant red violet eyes that are flecked with light blue that concentrates around her pupil.
Personality: Ambitious: The girl knows glory, and seeks to find wealth and greatness of her own. She sets her standards for herself high and strives to meet them no matter the cost. This also causes her to be selfish especially with strangers. She does feel regret if she hurts those she loves. Lavish: Though she loves to be fawned over and glorified Vehlvette is not a loud or boisterous girl. When she has earned the attention she will bask in it but she isn't one to make a scene or a big fuss. She knows wealth and wont settle for anything less even if she has to amass it herself. Taking after the leopard like her markings might suggest Vehlvette is a silent stalker and quiet predator. She is patient and willing to wait for what she wants. Aloof: Vehlvette is hard to impress, the feat must be of incredible magnitude before she will admit its greatness. She has little care of the boring goings on around her. Though she will protect what is hers with her life, and is very possessive of her belongings. She is very opinionated as well, almost stubborn once she has made up her mind. Elegant: She moves with grace in her tree top home, navigating the giant branches like the cats she looks most like. She is very feline in every pronounced movement and flicks her tail with her moods like a leopard might. Her speech is similarly calculated and she wouldn't be caught dead acting anything less than a lady.
How does she feel about Balsam?: Oblivious is rather accurate but in her own words: "Another little boy thinking he's a man. If he manages to succeed in his trials I might decide to congratulate him."
History: Born the last litter to an incredibly wealthy sire and his newest and youngest wife. Vehlvette grew up knowing what an impressive man was. Her mother instilled in her a need to find a wealthy mate and her father made sure she knew she could very well do it herself.  
Plans: she will be pretty oblivious of Balsam for a long time, mostly to make a name for herself. She may or may not have a thing for older men when she realizes what love and attraction are at around two. Maybe be one of the few female who has multiple husbands instead of the other way around.