
Eyes On Fire



7 Years
Dire wolf

1KPride - Pansexual
11-17-2018, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 01:50 AM by Souzan.)
((Super liquid timing to idk, like a week or two after Sou has landed on Auster))

Souzan had steadily been making his way northwards. The place he'd landed on had been just a little too warm for him. Despite the kingdom he'd hailed from being decently warm he'd always suffered under the weight of his northern bred pelt, a gift from his mother. So it was a relief that as he moved northwards, first crossing the land bridge and then plodding along in a generally northerly sense, and the weather grew colder, though it was still relatively mild.

As he continued he found himself growing more and more comfortable in his pelt, which was starting to thicken even more as autumn was creeping in. So he'd kept moving, occasionally stopping to soak in an interesting local. He may have kept going, hitting the northern most shore if not for a familiar scent catching his attention.

Ig? He wondered, stopping and taking a deep breath to better breathe in the scent. And Sephira! His eyes widened in shock, he obviously hadn't seen his brother in quite some time and after she'd left to follow their brother Souzan hadn't been certain he'd ever see his sister again either. Of course there had been no way to know that the land he'd found himself upon had been where his lost siblings had also arrived.

So he followed the scent, brow furrowing as it grew stronger and he got the second shock of the day, his surprise evident on his face, to discover that not only did his sibling's scent exist they seemed to have laid claim to a whole forest. He stopped just beyond the clear boundary line and for a moment he was wracked with uncertainty. But in the end Souzan's curiosity won out and the man tipped his head back, releasing his voice in a call for his siblings. He had so much he wanted to ask them, so much he wanted to talk about, but more than anything he couldn't help wanting to see with his own eyes that they were alright.

"Speech" think "You"

Image by Ulfeid3