
No Postcode Envy


07-09-2013, 10:34 PM

After several minutes the fea was feeling a bit better, her paws no longer so sore and her muscles not so tense. She had no idea how much farther she was going to travel. There was nothing from stopping her from walking to the ends of the earth and back, traveling till she wore her paws down to nothing. She hoped that something caught her attention and kept her in one place before she reached that point through. The pads of her paws were already rough from use and she was feeling more and more wary every time she stopped somewhere. She sighed, trying to look on the bright side. At least she was getting to see so many different beautiful places, meet lots of interesting wolves, and have tons of experiences. She was taking on the world first hand. Even still, it was getting tiring.

Just as she was about to walk up to the water's edge to make another attempt at getting a drink of water, a wolf emerged from the forest across from her. She froze, watching as he walked up to the water for a drink, seemingly oblivious of her presence. Euph wondered if maybe she should just turn and walk away before he did, just in case he wasn't of the kind sort. He didn't look like he was in too good of a mood anyway. But his behavior made her pause, one brow lifting quizzically. He had dunked his head down under the surface, shaking himself off as he came back up into the air. Then his golden eyes opened suddenly and found hers. She blinked at him, her brow still raised questioningly. She had never seen a brute randomly dunk their head in the water unless maybe they were fishing which he didn't seem to be doing. "Um... Hello," she called over to him, giving him a slight nod, her voice with its slight twang of an accent drifting across to him. She was always friendly, no matter how strange the circumstances.
