
Gloves are comin' off [Kirsi]



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
11-17-2018, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2018, 09:36 AM by Kirsi.)
Though she knew exactly what she could tell him to make him believe her - the truth - she couldn't bring herself to lay everything out on the table quite yet. Sharing the burden of their loss with him, though it was likely the right thing to do, given it was his loss too, didn't seem like the best idea at the moment. The last thing Kirsi wanted to do was to hurt Ignatius; despite everything she had done, she had grown to love him more fiercely than she ever dreamt possible. Her childish hopes and aspirations had gone terribly awry, and after getting mixed up in his brother's business she wasn't sure how to untangle herself from any of it now.

She felt oddly weightless as she stood here before her former lover, small beneath his cold gaze, a feeling she'd never quite felt around him before. His cold laughter pierced her heart, and she visibly flinched, the expression visible even under the faint moonlight. His next words cut even deeper. "Your.. your sister?" That was who Valkorion had framed Ignatius for killing? She had been far away from the lands when it had all happened - no, actually long before, not wanting Ignatius to find her lest he ruin Valkorion's plans and thus threaten the safety of their unborn children - but she hadn't known he meant to kill her. No, she would've never agreed to that, but then again she'd been backed into a corner it had been hard to find a way out from. "Oh, Ig... I'm.." The pain in her sigh was evident, though she knew apologies wouldn't help now. Her voice quivered, the sudden grief a weird sight to see washing over the normally quite composed and icy woman, but she couldn't help the emotions from rolling over her now that she was in Ignatius's presence once again.

"He... he used me," Kirsi admitted, reigning in some of her emotions, if only to try to explain herself. Ignatius wanted answers, and the clock was ticking down. If she stumbled over her words for too long, she was convinced he might leave entirely, and she hadn't spent so long searching for him only for him to turn her away. But how could she begin to tell him the truth, and make him truly believe her now? "As a child, I'll admit looked up to Valkorion," she admitted slowly, cautiously, purposefully not using his nickname. "That was before I knew what sort of creature he was. What he was capable of. He convinced me he had been wronged, that the throne was rightfully his, and that if I could help him win it back I'd earn a place at his side." Kirsi was tense, knowing very well that Ignatius would catch on to what she'd been implying. Hopefully. She'd wormed his way into Ig's life as a child, feigning a crush that had manifested into something very real, charming him until somehow he had turned the tables and she had grown enamored with him. "Over time I realized how I really felt. About you, and about your vile brother," she spoke, a low growl beginning to creep up deep within her chest.

By the time she'd gotten too deeply mixed up with Ignatius, Valkorion knew too much about her and knew how to play her well enough that she couldn't quite cut ties with him completely. "I never meant to hurt you, or anyone, but you know how Valkorion is. He... knew exactly how to play off my fears and threatened me to help. I thought..." Her words trailed off, her voice quivering now. What she wouldn't give to make him believe her. "I thought I'd wait and find you once it was all over, once we were both safe, free to start our lives somewhere else." And our family, she thought bitterly to herself. "I never knew what he was framing you for, and if I'd know what he was planning... I would've never..." But really, Valkorion had a way of knowing exactly how to get a wolf to comply to his demands, and if he had no qualms with even killing newborn pups, what else might he do? Kirsi heaved a sigh, waiting with baited breath to see if he'd even begin to believe her.