
Eat, Sleep, be Scary


11-18-2018, 02:47 AM
She had remained in Boreas, continuing her investigations and scouting the Northern Continent. She would report back to Malleus eventually, but not without some decent information first. Tonight, she searched for a place to lay her head until morning, and the light of the full moon guided her through the forest. The silence and the darkness made her start to think about her life, and so far...there was a lot that had been accomplished. The Abraxas had gone far and wide, conquering lands and taking over as they went. Malleus was doing a fine job leading them, and Ashiel (as far as she had been aware), had done a good job leading as well. She wasn't quite sure how Razi had done, and Archon had left a bitter impression when he decided to give the pack back to the mortal wolves. Oh well, some Abraxas were more fit to be leaders than others, it seemed.

Distracted a bit by her thoughts, she almost missed the scent that eventually crossed her path. Pausing, she scented the air and noticed that it was a mortal male. She decided to follow the trail, and in her pursuit, ended up stepping on a twig that cracked rather loudly; the sound echoing throughout the forest. She paused for a moment, remaining still with a forepaw in midair as she stared ahead to see if her quarry had noticed. A few moments went by, and nobody seemed to approach. Huh...well, she still had the element of surprise, she supposed.

A few minutes later, she spotted the male ahead of her, and a grin spread across her lips. How close could she get to him before he realized he wasn't alone? It was a game she was very much willing to try, so she quietly stalked forward and hoped the breeze wouldn't shift to give away her position. Circling around to his blindside, Kas quietly moved forward until she was well within striking distance (if she decided to flat out attack him, that is). Once she felt she was close enough, she smirked and in her spookiest voice, said "Boo."