
Ivy Wreckage

Ivy I


4 Years
11-17-2018, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2019, 07:32 PM by Ivy I.)

<center><table width="600px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #000000"><tr><td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:600px; border:1px solid #ffffff; padding-top:30px;padding-left:30px; padding-right:30px;padding-bottom:310px;background-color:#2C1F23; background-position:bottom;background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat;"><tr><td><div align="justify"><font color=#886E76 style="font-family:cambria; font-size:11px; line-height:14px; letter-spacing:1px; word-spacing: 2px;">It'd been far too long since Ivy Wreckage had seen Branch. He'd concocted a foolish plan, going against nearly everything that they had been taught since birth. He wanted to find somewhere to settle down, and to work on forming trading alliances with neighboring packs rather than continue their clan's way of wandering. It was a stupid idea, as far as Ivy was concerned, and she'd warned him time and time again against it. What she <i>hadn't</i> expected was for her other siblings to follow him, and recently it seemed more and more were leaving. Though she had expected Branch to return home, when he didn't she knew she needed to find him. He could be resolute in his thinking, and this idea hadn't been a spontaneous one, so she doubted she could change his mind... but at the very least, she wanted to watch after her siblings and ensure they didn't do anything completely ridiculous.

She'd been trailing after Cypress, one of the most recent to leave for these lands, though she'd lost his scent somewhere along the way. Luckily for her, she caught the sound of an all too familiar call along the way - a call to gather, for any who wished to join him, from none other than Branch herself. Huffing softly, Ivy picked up her pace as she headed toward the Battlefield. By the time she arrived she was torn between being interested and appalled, disgusted with the stench of this place but quite curious about the trinkets that littered the ground. Lavender gaze was cautious as it scoped out her surroundings and she sought to find the group that had gathered.

She was pleasantly surprised to see Aspen and Birch there, along with Branch and a handful of strangers. Ivy tipped her head skyward as she approached, her expression one of keen observation and mild scrutiny. <font color=#98887B><b>"Don't tell me you plan to make this place our home,"</b></font> Ivy drawled stiffly to Branch, wrinkling her nose in distaste - but in her eyes shone a warm affection that she didn't bother to hide, glad to be reunited with him at last. <font color=#98887B><b>"Happy to see you've all made it here in one piece... if not a little worse for wear,"</b></font> she noted, quite characteristically of her, wandering toward her younger brother Birch. She swatted a stray leaf from his leg, trying not to dote <i>too</i> much on him in the presence of wolves she didn't know.


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1. Ivy Wreckage Postlogs 01:54 PM, 11-17-2018 12:03 PM, 01-10-2024