
Mirror Mirror on the Lake..


07-09-2013, 11:02 PM

He had clearly stepped on her toes with the subject of family, pearly ears flattening against his skull, brows furrowing together in concern as she scrambled to her paws, bristling at him, her sea green eyes alight as she snapped at him. I know what a family is! I had one! A great one with a caring Mother, a Brother who was like my shadow and i his, and two more brothers! But you know what? Not all families protect! Mother didn?t keep us on the run all the time for nothing! He was hunting us! He wanted us dead! Our own kind, own blood. He said nothing, only allowing his mismatched gaze to watch her as she settled down, explaining how it had been her father that had been after them. Her father? Why would a father go out in search to kill his own family?! A father was supposed to protect, not kill!

She came back towards him, stretching her earthy body parallel to his, allowing her head to rest against her paws as she expressed her want to be part of his family, asking if they could sleep somewhere more closed off. He nodded, allowing his own head to fall atop his paws. I'm sorry if I brought up a sensitive subject...I didn't mean to...I would be honored to call you a daughter of mine Elysia and yes, we can go find somewhere more private to spend the night. But let's collect the fish you caught first, yes? He nudged her gently with his shoulder, encouraging her to stand once more.

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