
Sinking Into Sweet Uncertainty



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-17-2018, 06:13 PM
Build me up from bones, Wrap me up in skin, Hold me close enough to breathe me in

Drífa waited patiently. She saw no reason to fuss until she saw with her own eyes just what exactly she was getting herself into. She didn't have to wait long for her answer. She was greeted by Ignatius who declared himself the alpha of this new fledgling pack. Her voice caught in her throat for a moment as she stared at the prince. She'd been expecting one of Eira's children but it was so strange to see him here, face to face, alive and already rekindling a pack. She noted the name Konungr, pleased at the use of Northern tradition. At least Eira had done a good job raising them.

Of course she'd heard the rumors. That supposedly Ignatius had committed murder. But she didn't believe it. She was certain Mars and those bloody southern wolves were to blame. First Eira's disappearance then that horrid older brother, a wolf of southern tradition, to be the new heir? Ha! Sounded like a southern power grab if there ever was one. She wouldn't have been surprised if the whole thing had been plotted by Mars from the start. Anyway, there was no need to mull on the past right now. She needed to focus on the present and her future.

She tipped her head in greeting. "My name is Drífa. I don't believe we've officially met but I certainly know of you. I am of the Norther tribe. A healer trained primarily in combat medicine. I must say Ignatius, I'm surprised to see you've raised a pack so swiftly. Are there others about? Have you… have you by chance come across Eira in your travels? Forgive me if I pry. I was hoping to find others of the Northern tribe and perhaps… a new home."