
Sinking Into Sweet Uncertainty



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-17-2018, 07:13 PM

A trace of surprise was written on his face when Drífa mentioned knowing of him. Only a slight lifting of a brow, though he supposed he shouldn't be too surprised. If he and Sephira made it here there was no reason why others couldn't. Perhaps if this woman had a more ostentatious coat he'd have been more inclined to guess at their shared place of origin, but she looked far more natural than Eira and could easily have fit in with the wolves of Boreas.

If she'd come from his own southern kingdom Ignatius may have been more weary, but the wolves of the north... They'd never wanted anything but peace from the way his mother told it in late night stories when he was a child. There was more reason for them to wish for Ig's success than his downfall. Suspicion remained in the back of his mind, but it was very faint and easily ignored for now. "It's a pleasure to meet you then. I can't say I've seen anyone from there in some time, unfortunately. The only familiar face is my sister Sephira who followed me." Why was she here though? Curiosity? A simple desire to wander? Questions burned in his mind but there was more for him to answer before he could begin to unleash the flurry of inquiries that he was holding back.

"I'm honestly surprised myself, to be quite honest," he mused with a chuckle. Being an alpha in a whole new land left him free to be a bit more informal than he'd normally have been, and oh how he relished the chance to relax and have a real conversation. "It was really born out of necessity. Though, I do rather like the way I've planned things and the whole concept is growing on me. If it's a home you're after," he hesitated only a second, a necessary moment to consider if trusting someone from the home he'd left behind might one day lead to him being blindsided by another backstabbing traitor... But in the end, he decided to chance it. If she was a healer, that was one of many roles on the list he needed to fill in. Besides, she'd probably be better than the average wolf when it came to finding northern herbs, and he'd soon have more than just Sephira to keep an eye on everyone if things kept progressing smoothly. What the hell. "Perhaps Fýri will interest you? It might not be just like home, but, I'm sure more of it will be familiar than most of what the other packs here have to offer."