
There is Just News



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-17-2018, 09:12 PM
Then they went on to say the pearly gates

Brandr had been avoided it. He'd been avoided going back to Abaven for ages, for fear of not only what he might find there but what might happen to him if the Abraxas caught him snooping around the old pack land. However, he was starting to grow bolder. His children were older now and his scent was now distinctly that of a loner. Brandr slunk carefully toward the border of the thicket, one of the more unusual places for loners to be greeted, at least when he'd lived there. But then it seemed like a life time ago, was his memory even accurate?

Brandr's nostrils flared. He picked through the cool autumn air, searching for scents only to find that the ones he was looking for weren't there. They weren't there at all. Brandr froze as he was hit by joy and fear. Joy to find that the scents of the Abraxas were all but faded but fear to realize that he didn't catch Sparrow's scent either. What the hell had happened? There were a number of new and unfamiliar scents that made up the border markings. Brandr hesitated. Was it possible that someone else had overthrown the Abraxas rule and taken Abaven for themselves? Could they have banished the former leader Sparrow to protect their rule? Or was it something else?

Throwing caution to the winds Brandr tipped back his head and howled. He hadn't travelled this far to return with no answers.

had such elegant graffiti