
Ninjas, anyone?

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-17-2018, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 03:26 PM by Shaye I.)
Name: Ramesh
Age: 1
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral good
[Image: roasting_chestnuts_by_seadragoness_dctgj97-pre.png]
Description: His dark to light colors offer him the best hiding advantage in Autumn as the leaves turn crisp and brown, and the fading foliage blends perfectly against his golden coat. the summer, he finds hunting done best from above where creatures are less likely to look, holding close to thick, dark branches and letting his coat blend in with these. His colors are striking against undergrowth, offering poor hunting on land. This short, fierce creature has eyes like the sun, brilliantly gold and sharp with his inquisitive nature.

The blends of his coat can be quite beautiful, darker around his face, highlighting the brilliance of his eyes, and fading to lighter colors around his back and, tail, and down all four of his legs.

Personality: Sharp, and inquisitive, this wolf could do well in life if he put his mind to it, and focused instead, he gets wrapped up in an idea and sticks to it like tree-sap. He wants his first trophy to be something magnificent, and hunts through the tree tops trying to find the perfect creature. He’s likely to jump out of hiding, before a creature, fur fluffed up, arched like a cat, decide against the beast too small, to ugly, to wrong, ect and scamper back up his tree like a bat out of hell.

When he hears that Balsam is going to be going into Boreas to get the perfect trophy, he’s going to get it in his head to follow the man from a distance, stalking him, so to speak. He isn’t stealing ideas, hes building on them. He’ll love his sister, but not have much time for her. He should be protective, and will likely jump to her defence, but mostly he thinks girls are silly.

Relationship to Balsam: Brother to Velvette Barkpaw
Plans: Stalking Balsam!


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