
Mid-day musings



3 Years
11-17-2018, 11:55 PM
"Thankyou". Rhyme's hospitality surprises her. Perhaps she had been unintentionally raised to expect the worst of others. Her father had been just and loyal to his pack, never one to punish those without a fair trial to seek out the truth, and for that, he been greatly respected by his commrades. But he'd also been a suspicious man, unwilling to trust only his most closest advisers. He had wanted to teach his daughter to be smart and cunning, as he had been, and perhaps he had succeeded. Thorne was not qualified to judge either, she supposed. But perhaps, inadvertently, his cautious nature had left a deep impression of the fae, hindering her sense of trust, her willingness to bond with others.

Regardless, she knew that night had fractured something inside her, something that had thrived under the care and affection of her former lover, something perhaps childish and naive, for surely it was only the dreams of a child that could have left her so blind to his deciet. She'd been honed into a creature of suspicion then, a creature wary and cold, with guarded walls and an iron will to survive. And so, to accept this man's kindness, to allow him close enough to help her...She wanted to shrink away from it, to bat at it like a poisionus fruit, refusing to indulge in the sweet taste it would undoubtedly leave for fear of what would follow.

Maybe this is why she merely nods, voice level and void of emotion. She hasn't moved, but she can feel herself already backing away, defenses bristling. "I will" she murmurs, eyes flitting behind him, to the territory streching away. "If I can be of any further assitance, do let me know". It is not a promise, evidently, for she offers no means of contacting her. Slowly, she begins to pad away, brushing past him, offering a sly wink even as her mind circulates through her next destinations and the possible threats they may produce. "If you truly are desperate to find me, wait in the shadows at midnight, when the predators roam freely amongst the darkness. They say that is when the truly nightmarish can be found".