
Ninjas, anyone?



9 Years
11-18-2018, 12:28 AM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2018, 04:22 PM by Xephyris.)
Name: Cybele
Age: 1 year
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: #9
Description: At 22" and 50 lbs, Cybele is a petite female, but she is by no means fragile. She is athletic and sure-footed, her body proportions giving her the ability to run swiftly and gracefully. Her hind legs are powerful, able to leap effortlessly into the low hanging branches of trees and climb them with ease. Her skull is small, muzzle narrow, with pointed ears standing high and alert atop of her head.

Her coat is a mixture of dark grays, giving her a very shadowy appearance. Thus, she blends into the darkness quite well, and can be very difficult to spot. The darkest gray is upon her ears, head and top of her muzzle. Her legs and underside are dark as well, with lighter shades marking her cheeks, mane, back and thighs. The tail is a mixture of darks and lights, striped in such a way that it would appear she is adorned in shadows at all times. The only light colour to contrast her otherwise dark coat is a very light gray upon the sides of her muzzle, under the eyes, and at the back of her shoulders. The eyes are vibrant in comparison with the rest of her body, red and gleaming like rubies.

Personality: Inquisitive. Free-spirited. Loyal. Cautious. Thoughtful. Independent.

Cybele is a free-spirited and independent girl. Although she values the Songa's long held traditions, she has never been one to fully play by the rules. She does not particularly want to be bound by rules that were decided long before her time, but on the same coin, she does not know anything else and fears what life may be like beyond the ways of the Songa. She knows her limitations as a petite predator in a world of giants. Without the Songa traditions and teachings, she knows she would be at a severe disadvantage. Thus, she follows the lore of her people, merely dreaming of a life without so many expectations.

Her inquisitive mind is perhaps what draws her away from tradition most frequently. She loves the feeling she gets from discovering new things and exploring new territories. And she is most curious about the bigger wolves. Having caught sight of them more than once, and knowing the potential danger of an encounter with one of them, she gets a little bit of a thrill from watching them and seeing how close she can get without being seen. In most cases she is cautious and does not seek out danger for fun, but she definitely pushes the limits when it comes to encountering big wolves.

This girl is a loyal and thoughtful friend. She'd do anything for a friend or family member. And even if she thinks you have a terrible idea, she'll go along with you just to make sure nothing bad happens to you. After all, she's not going to rat you out for a stupid idea, and she could not in good conscience let you get into trouble without some back-up. Just know that she won't let you hear the end of it afterward!

Relationship to Balsam: Childhood friends?
History: Being just a yearling, Cybele doesn't have a particularly interesting history. She has spent most of her time learning the ways of the Songa, eager to gain the approval of her more skilled and wealthy elders.
Plans: To tag along on some of Balsam's shenanigans. Also, I'd like for her to be curious about the 'big wolves', to study them from a distance. Perhaps this will get her into shenanigans of her own.
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]