
If you only listen with your ears, I can't get in



1 Year
11-18-2018, 02:11 PM
He relaxed when the girl grinned at him, relieved that she was not offended by his staring. However, the sudden realization that there may be an entire family of galaxy wolves blew his mind. He always thought he was bright, with his rusty red-orange taking up most of his body. Now that he learned of pelts that had shades of purples and blues and pinks, he suddenly felt very dull and plain. A few extra seconds of thought would have led him to understand he could not handle the stares a stary pelt would give him, but that did not stop him from feeling a twinge of jealousy.

He was surprised at her offer to bring him along to explore, considering they had just met barely a few seconds ago. He was flattered that the young woman saw him as trustworthy enough to travel with her, even if it wasn't far. "I'm Pnuma and I would be glad to explore with you." He spoke softly but tried to get across his appreciation in the tone if his voice as well. He stood up, stretching his legs a bit before taking a few steps toward the woman. "I bet if we keep close to the streams we will come across some fish or maybe some waterfowl if you want to find some." He gave a suggestion, but he was welcome to hear another idea.

Some exploring would do him some good. He was also unfamiliar with this place and there was nothing wrong with expanding your knowledge of an area. The spirits didn't directly object either, quietly whispering anxious rambles, which Pnuma has learned was their default status. A little adventure would also give his mind a welcomed break from the constant hums of the voices.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.