
the thrill of the hunt

Aria I


07-09-2013, 11:31 PM

Aria searched the bush before her, looking around the leaves and looking over the flowers. She was looking for a certain one, it was a basic herb anyone could use on scratches to prevent infection and help heal faster. Every wolf should know about it, and even if it didn't seem like much, it really helped. Lost in her search though, Aria did not hear the voices of Liste and Ramelia, did not notice the wind change direction and bring the scent of a wolf, male around the area.

After a few moments the woman was finally able to find it, digging up the ground and ripping out a good amount of roots, then placed the dirt back. Turning around she headed back to the two wolves, ears swiveling forward in time to catch Liste's voice. A smirk formed on her lips, but was hidden from the roots held in her jaws. Stopping beside the two she set the roots down ad looked to Liste with a smile. These will help your wounds, just chew them up and apply them to the scratches.

Just standing there she could feel something was wrong, the two seemed a bit bothered by something but she didn't know what. Aria had not seen anything, smelled no other felines nearby. But then it hit her. The wind brought a new scent into her nose, not feline, wolf, and not a member of Ludicael. Right away she wanted to search for the source, but she couldn't just leave these two here along. What if the stranger attacked them?

Clearing her throat the shewolf rose her head high, body calm get prepared in case anything would happen. The scent was strong, so whoever it was had to be nearby. Ya know, hiding in the shadows and spying on three women is rude. She spoke with a playful tone in her calm voice, forest green orbs scanning the shrubs around them for the strangers. Why don't you show yourself? Her head turned to Liste and Ramelia, giving a small dip of her head, trying to tell them to remain calm.
