



1 Year
11-18-2018, 05:20 PM
Pnuma didn't know what to think of the woman's dismissive approach to his apology. He didn't know if she was offended or if she was dismissing it because she wasn't offended. Either way, he decided to keep his mouth shut about it as that was what the woman seemed to want. Besides, he didn't want to seem annoying by constantly apologizing for something the woman appeared to see as small.

As the female spoke, Pnuma tried to keep his expression from looking tired as he genuinely was interested in what she was saying, but his lids subconsciously started to droop and muffled yaws started to become even more frequent. In some ways, the anesthetic was nice. Normally, he would avoid sleep in fear or predators. It was hard to go from having multiple strong wolves protecting him to being all alone. Finally getting some shut-eye, whether he liked it or not, was peaceful. However, falling asleep mid-conversation made him feel uncomfortable, forcing his head up and eyes open as they fought against him. Though he was not moments away from sleep, it made its presence clear as it waited to engulf him.

"So this band is Religious?" he asked in reference to this 'Fallen God' character. "I'm not opposed to it, but what does it... stand for?" He struggled to find the appropriate words. He wasn't exactly religious himself, though he did believe in the afterlife. Where else did his spirits come from? This didn't mean he was ignorant to the things other people believed as he would eventually encounter devout people in his travels. He was aware that some asked people to be kind in order to get into the afterlife. He was also aware of those that asked for blood in exchange for gifts. He didn't believe this she-wolf would believe in the latter, considering she was so kind as to use her own medical supply on a frail yearling, but one could never be too cautious. "What does this religion... expect people to do," he elaborated or at least attempted to.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.