
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
11-18-2018, 08:21 PM

Malleus made a point to greet each member as they arrived. Those that didn't speak to him and merely found a seat received a warm nod; a simple acknowledgement that he was pleased to see them there. The others he made a point to talk to.

The first, Ashiel, brought with him a surprise. The moment Malleus laid eyes on Pyralis he broke into a wide grin. Several from Aurum had never been found and Malleus had finally decided he needed to come to terms with their deaths, so seeing Pyralis alive and well warmed and gave him hope for the others. "It's alright, Ashiel. It's good to see you, Pyralis. Sorry for the confusion. I'm glad you're well. And I do believe I can find a place for you here. We can talk after the meeting." Things had changed since she'd last been to Risen and there were a few new rules and expectations that his chaos loving aunt needed to be aware of.

The next to speak to him was his son Aureus. Malleus grinned at him and then said, "I think it's time you children begin training so today you're going to get a mentor."

And then Serene. For her Malleus' expression gentled. "My dear," he said softly as he returned his kiss.

Next came Apollo, whose serious pronouncements required a sterner face. Malleus nodded firmly, then said, "Your diligence is admirable, Apollo. As for the predators..." He trailed off into thoughtful silence. "We'll address that problem today."

The rest, with Aaliyah (who managed to escape his notice) being the only exception, were each acknowledged with a nod. When it was clear that no more would be joining them, Malleus made a mental note of those who were missing and then got the meeting underway.

"Thank you all for coming," he boomed to catch their attention. "Today I wanted to fulfill the promise I made at our last meeting, but first I wanted to welcome our newest member and introduce him to the pack." He nodded to Rain. "Rain has decided to join our ranks as a healer. Be sure to introduce yourselves to him after the meeting."

He then turned his attention to the children present. "As for my promise, all our children are now old enough to begin their training and I want to extend the opportunity to our community. Felicity, Aureus, Eligos and Pyrrhic would benefit the most from the tutelage of fighters. Shilah and Seiran both aspire to be healers. Amaris, I believe, would benefit from a hunter's knowledge." Kaine's boys, since neither were there today, would have to be paired up later. "I'll give you all a moment to think it over. Remember, this is not a something to take lightly and it certainly isn't something I'd extend to everyone if I didn't think you were all capable. Our future is more important than our present and we each have been given something worth sharing with the next generation." He left it at that and moved on.

"That's not the only thing we need to discuss today. It was brought to my attention that there has been an increase in predator activity in our lands. For the safety of the pack I think it best we take care of the problem before it has a chance to get out of hand and to that end, I'm looking for volunteers to help me drive the interlopers and thieves from our land."

OOC: next round is due by Dec. 3rd. It's not mandatory, only those who are interested in training a pup (or two! heck, three if you're brave) and those who want to fight predators need to reply. No one can leave the meeting yet, though, as I might have more for Mal to say.

"Malleus" "Pascal"
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.