
The type of Attraction the Glows


11-18-2018, 08:49 PM

He didn't look like a threat, nor did his body language poise a threat. He was a bit intimidating, but she didn't immediately feel in danger. She hoped that if she remained respectful that he wouldn't become a threat. Her blue eyes watched his facial features as they seemed amused by her surprise, but quickly refocused on what was going on. Her ears perked forward intently focused on his words as he spoke of a God. She hadn't been raised with learning about any sort of religion, but it seemed to make sense. Something a higher power then themselves. The larger male's eyes feel to meet with her gaze, her curiosity clearly shining through them.

Then he introduced himself, his title making her more curious. This man was a fallen angel of this God? What exactly did that mean? Was that just a title for his followers or was this male himself a higher power then herself. He was large enough to be. He had also asked about her name not leaving her much time to dwell on her thoughts.

"Adeline Sigfroi it's a pleasure to meet you Archon," she said with a kind smile. "Tell me, what is a fallen Angel of this God you speak of?"

She opened the door to both conversation with this male and to learn what all this may mean.

"Adeline Talk", & 'Adeline Think"