
Never gonna be alone



07-09-2013, 11:45 PM

Things were different now. Slowly changing into something more foreign and intimidating to most others. He didn't know what was ahead of them and that part worried him to a degree. He liked planning things out and knowing what was in store for the future. It was an OCD thing really and for once in his life he wasn't completely sure what was ahead of him. He didn't like it. One thing he was sure of though was his family. He would continue to provide for them. Half the reasoning behind his family was gone now. He'd mated with Loki to produce an heir to take over Tortuga. Now that was a failure, but perhaps one of them would get adventurous and retake the thrown. He was too old now to do so himself. Now it seemed that the only reason left to have kids was to carry on his name and genes. Regardless of this factor he'd grown oddly attached to them. Old age had mellowed him out a lot, and perhaps it was the reason for him enjoying the company of blood so much, but he liked it.

This particular time of day brought him hunting for small game to take back to the growing pups. They were no longer tiny fluff balls, but big fluff balls with markings showing up. One would even go so far as to call them cute. They were rapidly growing though and demanded a constant supply of food, especially now that they were being weaned.

He was crouched hidden among some bushes. He could see the white tailed hair in front of him. So close and upwind. The scent was tantalizing. Tail rose as he poised himself to pounce, two-toned blue eyes zoning in on the rodent in concentration.

A wail broke the silence.

Head snapped upwards in alarm and the hare zipped off to it's hidden burrows to the safety of its lair. Nnoitra didn't care. He had more worried on his mind. The brute scurried off in a hurry towards the sound he knew so well. It was one of his children. Devya to be exact. God help anyone if they were attacking her. They'd be met with a flurry of teeth and claws and a hell of an anger that not many could match. No one. Absolutely no one, would touch a hair on their heads. Not while he was alive.

He wasn't met with an attacker though. Just a terrified and very lost pup crying for her mother. Eyes softened and his breath evened out and became steady again. The adrenaline that had been rushing through he veins before began to ebb away and his facial features soon became encompassed by a soft smile. She'd wandered from then den and had gotten lost it seemed. Now she was going through the consequences for her actions. He commended her though. She was very adventurous for her age. He was curious to see how they all were when they were older.

"You're alright. You shouldn't wander so far from your mother and siblings though. Something could eat you."

He came and nuzzled the top of her head gently, comforting the small child. Perhaps it was a bad idea being so blunt with her or any of them for that matter. He just couldn't sugar coat anything for them. It would ruin them in the long run. They needed to know how the world was run and quick so they'd become street smart and could make it on their own. They needed to be able to make it and become something more than just a commoner. They had greatness in their blood that could not be quenched. They needed to know that.
