
Along the Ledge

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-19-2018, 10:08 AM
Rhyme watched with internal horror as the she wolf reacted to his uncontrolled anger. She was more afraid of him than some far off master that wanted her dead. He sighed at himself and lowered his body the rest of the way to the ground. She couldn't see his unassuming pose, but surely her companions understood. Of course the lemur went on to scold him, and though he was sure he'd received far worse bites than what this primate offered he did his best to listen. 

Rhyme took a deep breath and tried to regain his head. While he really had no intention of harming the creatures in front of him he wasn't doing a great job of convincing them with his emotions getting out of control. Actions spoke louder than words, and he was making a right ass of himself. This whole helping those less fortunate than you thing wasn't going according to plan. He'd have to leave Shaye to these missions from now on. "I wasn't going to.." He shut his trap as Tana finally relented. She sounded less than convinced about Abaven but she would follow him out of duress for her companions. He sighed heavily again, this wasn't exactly how it was supposed to go. The end goal was the same though, and she had agreed to follow him. 

"I promise you and your companions will come to no harm." He tried to speak in low calm friendly tones. At least he succeeded in keeping the violence from his voice. He turned his attention back to the raven perched uncharacteristically patient on his shoulders. "Find Shaye, and tell her what's happened here." Imperia remained silent, but nodded and took to the wing. 

While Tana might have thought she was being taken under penalty of injury that assumption couldn't have been farther from the truth. Rhyme just hoped she would eventually see Abaven as it truly was. Surely a talk with the gentler members... Shaye or Vail, might convince her of her safety and promise of a better life. 

"Well, come on." The words were impatient but his voice was much more calm than it had been earlier. "I'll carry you if I have to." He knew she might take the words the wrong way but he meant them. She was weak and only on three legs, he could outpace her 100 times over with her own weight on his back. The sooner we get there the sooner you'll realize what life is supposed to be like.