
Wishful Sinking

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-19-2018, 05:52 PM

It seemed the borders of Abaven where a bustling hive of activity. She felt she had only just finished greeting one wolf a the border, when another called for her attention. The very slight exasperation she felt was immediately covered with amusement. She had wanted Abaven to be a busy, thriving place. She could hardly begrudge it for turning into exactly that.

With a spring in her step, because, indeed, she was pleased at her growing pack, the Alpha would make her way to the borders. What she would find there was a pale bute that stood at giant proportions. She considered her 40” to be an impressive height, and yet this boy towered over her. Had she ever seen a wolf as tall as this one?

The red tones to his gaze where ominous, and she would have felt a little weary about speaking to him, if it wasn’t for the sorry train of pups that stumbled after him. They looked a little like refugees, through she wasn’t certain what they were fleeing from. This man looked like he could face down anything. She didn’t sit this time, but instead she stood, poised on her side of the border as she regarded them. “I am Shaye Destruction, the leader here. What brings you to my borders today?” she would ask him politely.


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