
Along the Ledge



4 Years
Extra small
11-19-2018, 09:03 PM
He promised he wouldn't harm any of them but tana was a hard one to convince otherwise. She understood but knew that darkness laid in ever creature, it was just to what extent did it exist. He spoke to what she assumed was his own companion and the sound of the bird taking off confirmed it. Her companions both watched the bird leave while trying their best to sooth and calm Tana from the male's earlier outburst of anger.

His words had her instinctively rolling to her feet obediently. She'd been beaten and scared enough times to know that alphas expected to be obeyed and never had a problem with showing their dominance if they needed to. He spoke of carrying her and she shook her head. Alma was quick to jump into her scruff and get ready to help guide her. Basil of course was much to big to ride on her so he took to walking beside her.

She wasnt the fastest by any means but she had walked these paths enough to know which was more likely to kill her or not. She started hobbling towards where the males voice came from only stopping a short but respectful five feet from him. She was weak but she didnt expect any help from anyone. Her face stayed lowered but she held it in his general direction expectantly. She knew questions would come as he tried to learn about her, if he even cared to. "A-ask w-w-what you w-will"

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.