
Sometimes Dead is Better



3 Years
Extra large
11-19-2018, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2018, 09:47 PM by Korinna.)
Hm. At least Tyranis had some fire within him, a trait she could appreciate despite wondering herself if his rage was slightly excessive. One could never truly depend on others, could they? It was a lesson she learned, time and time again, and yet occasionally she had a lapse in judgment and had to remind herself of it again. It seemed Tyranis was experience a similar sort of epiphany currently. She was quiet and observant as she watched him, raising a single brow. She was skeptical, but was willing to hear him out, and go along for the ride if it proved entertaining enough. "Shame," the warrior drawled simply, a stark contrast to his own enraged speech. Though annoyed, she was distracted now by the promise of a new beginning with Tyranis, and she couldn't help but be curious if he might be capable of raising his own empire as he so believed.

"Count me in," came her simple, almost playful response, flashing him a faint smile. As she couldn't match his outrage, she wouldn't try - her own annoyance was a mere spark compared to the wildfire of his own tremendous fury. "Tell me how I can help you, Tyranis. I'm not one for sitting idly by. Boredom doesn't suit me well at all." If she merely needed to hone her skills and scope out the neighboring lands, she'd gladly get to work, but lounging around doing nothing wasn't her style. Though able to get by on her own, she always thrived around others and in working toward a goal greater than herself. Life was always better that way, as far as she was concerned - screw trying to prove she could do it on her own. She knew she could, but things were always better in the company of like-minded wolves.