
Ice Bucket Challenge



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
11-20-2018, 03:18 PM
Chaos had not been on the ship long - a mere matter of hours since he'd taken the pack - when he finally noticed the hatch in the ship's deck with the bucket sitting on the edge. He squinted at it, wondering what it was for. It seemed kind of a stupid thing to stop one of the Nienteans to ask about, and the former alpha had been drugged into sleeping off the fight so he'd be down for the count for probably several hours yet and wouldn't be talking. Delaney had seen to his wounds - and what a surprise to see so many faces he knew gathered in the one pack he happened to challenge for - so he had nothing else to do but sit, think, look... and be bothered by that damn bucket. Who left a bucket just sitting on the corner of a box?

Heaving himself to his feet, he wandered closer, and realized that the box was actually another hatch leading into the ship. He squinted down into it, but the sun was just right that the whole thing was cloaked in shadows so he couldn't see how far down it went. Hmmm. Well, let it not be said that Chaos wasn't just as cat-curious as his mother. The mysterious mystery of the dark hatch into nowhere just begged to be solved. He needed something to throw in there to see how deep it went. He eyed the hatch. He eyed the bucket.

I did mention cat like curiosity, right?

Casually, he shoved the bucket out into empty space and listened carefully for the metal thing to hit bottom.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write