
I am Not My Own


07-10-2013, 01:04 AM

A father. Cherokee was going to be a father. A father. As in, he was going to have daughters and sons with his DNA, little mini hims and little mini Song's running around. As in, he was going to have a family in his new some. As in Song was pregnant with his children. Their children. Their family. How incredible was that? Of course you silly! Did you think our romp in the meadow would not have consequences Her musical voice broke him from his thoughts, an idiotic grin spreading across his dark lips as his mismatched gaze focused on the beautiful face of his wife. I mean, I figured there was a possibility...But I never thought it would be this soon... He trailed off, disbelief coating his words. Song was pregnant. They were going to be parents.

His attention danced over to her abdomen as she glanced down at it curiously, explaining how they were right inside her tummy. Muzzle lowered towards her abdomen, dark nose poking it gently. Hello my little babies. I'm going to be your daddy soon. He probably sounded like an idiot talking to his wife's belly, but he was just so fascinated with the idea of becoming a father. He never thought he would get there so soon.

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