
King and the Spirits



1 Year
11-21-2018, 07:01 PM
Pnuma looked up to the older man as he spoke, eyes wide with surprise, appreciation, and a little bit of admiration. This stranger had just met him but had already helped him so much. Pnuma didn't know how to voice his gratitude, much less repay him for his deeds. For the first time for as long as Pnuma could remember, the spirits spoke positively, actual positivity! They talked of appreciation and repayment among their normal nonsense and words about debt. A rush of emotions washed over him as the man talked of his 'gifts.' He took the words to heart and kept note of the man's location. He was interested in what the man meant by 'controlling' the spirits. He made sure to take up on the man's offer once he was capable of offering the man something in return for his kindness.

"Thank you so much, sir! I don't know how I could repay you if I even can repay you!" He spoke excitedly, a large grin on his face. "I'm in your debt completely. I tend to wander around, but if you ever need help, come find me and I'll offer some assistance. I don't expect this to be the last time we meet so I'll keep my eye out for you." He looked back out onto the surface world and he knew there were many other placed he had to explore. He couldn't settle down, not yet. "Thank you again, but I must go. I look forward to seeing you again." After he finished, he nodded his goodbye with a smile before making his way down the mountain. He would never go into another cave again as long as he could help it.

{Exit Pnuma unless stopped}
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.