
Electric Feel



4 Years
11-22-2018, 01:42 PM

He had known, even before he asked that Kai would reject his offer to stay in a pack with him, but he hadn’t been anticipating the answer that followed. In an instant his face felt hot, in spite of his good looks, and in spite of his charismatic nature no one had ever offered to do something for him. His whole life he had done things for others or for himself; He had raised Dauntless for his family, and Aranea, and dedicated his life to Ruina for his father, even Aranea who had been so loyal to him and loving had betrayed him for her own selfish gain. Kai’s offer was small, but it meant the world to Tyranis that the rougish male would only join a pack if it meant staying with him.

“I- thank you.” He said lamely, his eyes downcast. He wasn’t sure how else he could express how he felt, he had kept his emotions bottled for so long that they festered like wounds, and now that he was given an opportunity to be earnest, he didn’t know what to do.

His eyes were wide as something slid down his cheek that left a burning trail as it went, far too hot to be rain although the steady droplets striking his face would most likely mask the lone tear to anyone who wasn’t looking for it. Tyranis had never cried, no matter how much disappointment he had faced, or how much turmoil had been in his life, not once had he been so outward with his emotions, but Kai’s selfless offer had moved him, and touched him in a way he thought no one ever would.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  