
Haste is of the Devil



2 Years
Extra large
11-23-2018, 02:40 PM

Night caressed the world in utter darkness, not even the stars could be seen behind the thicken layer of clouds. Blessed moon did not grace her presence, did not keep her company as she wandered across the unfamiliar land with no idea where she was heading. All she could do was pray to Ley she was heading in the direction of Pegasus. Her wayward brother, who appeared in the nightmares that plagued her each and every night, the very reason for her trekking across this land. Opal eyes peered through the darkness, trying to see where exactly she was placing her paws, but at some point she had slipped into a patch of cattails, too tall for ever her staggering size to see the path that laid out before her. Where her eyes could not see, her other senses picked up the slack; ears flicked forward at the wisp of the cattails swaying in the wind, and the air smelling of damp soil. That's when she saw it; a flicker in the distance that caught her eye just by mere chance.

At first she thought it was only a flicker of her imagination, she was exhausted after all and had been walking since first light. But as she waited, eared perked and head lifted, searching for another sign to either prove her madness or her sanity, light blinked again, then again. Intrigued, Sphinx began walking cautiously towards the source, weaving through the tall cattails, eyes never leaving the lights. When she broke through, the sight that blessed her had her in utter awe. "Praise Ley..." she breathed in response to the thousands of lights that danced across the waters of a lake. It was as if all the stars that had disappeared from the sky had fallen from heaven and now danced over the lake and shores, illuminating the whole area. Completely transfixed on the scene, Sphinx slowly sat back on her haunches, opal eyes glued to the world around her, forgetting almost entirely about the quest that brought her to these new lands.