
This Love is Gonna be the Death of Me


11-23-2018, 05:37 PM
She offered a soft smile towards the kind stranger, happy to know there were still souls in this world who were ready and able to lend a helping hand to those in need. While he thought out loud of a way for the pair of them to escape this crease in the earth, Aspen had a moment to look around herself. While her eyes were trained on the cliffs above, she had not yet notice the death surrounding her until just then. As if a warning from nature, skulls of other poor souls that tumbled down the ravine littered the floor around them, causing Aspen's heart rate to sky rocket further. Eyes bulging, the smaller Wreckage unknowingly shuffled her way closer to the other wolf, keeping her eyes locked on the bones as she did so. She would have backed right up against him had his sudden question not break her concentration. Could she walk? Well that would be a matter of opinion, she supposed. Glancing down at her paw, with a swollen lump already forming around the ankle, she let out a sigh. "Does a three legged hobble count as walking?" She joked dryly, tapping her injured paw against the ground a few times, testing just how far she could go before her paw shot out in pain.

You would think, having her grow up in a pack full of healers, Aspen might actually know a thing or two about injuries like this. But she never quite got the medicine worked out in her head; it didn't make sense to her that a blue flower with red thorns could be deadly but a red flower with blue thorns could be useful. That being said, she would bet good winnings that her paw was twisted or sprained, broken being the worse case scenario. But considering she would at least put some pressure on it without crying out, she was leaning more towards a sprain than a break. But it still meant no walking for her, but she wouldn't give up that easily! Blue eyes roamed over the tall brute beside her, an idea working its way through her mind as she did so. "Maybe with you pushing me along... I think I could manage?" She couldn't be certain, but she would rather die trying than die next to the already picked bones. Climbing to all fours, well three and a half, Aspen tested out her hobble. One step, hop, two step, hop. The jolt of hopping gave her a good sting but manageable. Lifting her head up with a lopsided grin, she motioned over her shoulder with her head. "What do you say, shining knight? Gonna help this damsel in distress?" Ha! Good one.
