



5 Years
Dire wolf
11-23-2018, 06:35 PM

Circe nodded in response to Pnuma's first question. While she herself only pretended to be, as far as she could tell, Archon bought into the whole religious thing. His beliefs, like his mission, seemed to be genuine. Now whether or not he was motivated chiefly by belief or self interest was something she couldn't speculate on. As for her motivation? 90% self interest.

Reiterating something she'd already said, Circe tackled Pnuma's  second question. "The band's mission is to spread the name of The Fallen God." She was rather new to it herself so if Archon had any other goals she was oblivious to them.

"What does this religion expect people to do?" Ah, smart boy. That was a question she'd ask if she was in his place. "Same as the band's mission - spread the name of The Fallen God. You see, a long time ago The Fallen God reined supreme in the heavens. He was a god above all others; just, righteous and loved by mortals. So loved, in fact, that the lesser gods became jealous. They overthrew him, cast him down into this world and then stripped him from mortal memory." She paused to eye him and try to gauge how well he was following along. Hopefully he'd remember this and she wouldn't have to repeat herself later.

After a beat, she continued with the story. "My family and I, the Abraxas, are descendants of The Fallen God. It's our mission to aid him in reclaiming his throne and rewinning the hearts and minds of the mortals here."

"All He asks of mortals is that they recognize Him and His place above all gods and spirits. Some, like those in my brother's band, strive to bring awareness to the people, to give them a community and a connection to The Fallen God."

"Circe" "Gwydion"

Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!