
Rowan Hawkeye


1 Year
11-24-2018, 12:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2018, 12:51 PM by Ery.)
Name: Rowan Hawkeye
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Appearance: He was designed by me so I'd like for him to stay the same, and you are welcome to change his height/build.
Personality: Rowan is a little goofy at times, but he is also a serious guy. He can be snippy at anyone who makes him mad but other than that he’s just an all around fun, loving wolf.
Plots:? I’m new here so if his sister is up for a Roelplay then I’m up for one too
Activity: 8/10
Roleplay example The storm that had ripped his family apart had ravaged the canyon for some time. After his siblings Sibrin and Shilah were flung to shore and killed, he had  found himself  alone. Between the wind and debris it was too much for the young wolf, somewhere along the way as he stumbled through the darkness that the dwindling daylight and thick layer of storm clouds had brought on, he’d managed to make one wrong step as he toed the line next to the edge of the canyon where Rowen hoped to find his family. Little claws slipped through the slick mud, throwing off his balance and before he knew it the floodwaters were wrapping around his in a frigid embrace, carrying him for an unknown length of time before instinct kicked in and he paddled towards the surface.

Too small to swim very well, the male had been whisked away, head pulled under the surface numerous times as he was pulled far by the temporary stream the flood had formed. Time was lost to him, it could have been days, weeks, or only one night until he finally opened his glassy yellow eyes with a spluttering cough to rid his lungs of the water he felt there and his mouth of the taste of sand. Wait- sand? Pulling his legs under him, Rowen lifted his dark head to study his surroundings while he fought the headache that screamed through his entire skull.

The water here was quite low now, enough that his hind end was actually still half submerged while Rowen’s head and chest rested on the grey-sanded shore. Reeds and small shrubs obscured his view for a time, so he slowly pulled his body into a standing position and plodded further from the burbling water. His stomach growled it's protest as he crested the hill and found him self only a short walk from some caves. This was unfamiliar territory, definitely not the canyon, though the caves looked enticing enough. Scanning the surroundings, Rowen felt a flutter of panic in his chest at the idea of being alone and far from home. Memories of that flood flashed through his mind and his lip quivered briefly before he managed to stop himself. No, he wasn't gunna freak out. Not yet, anyway. First he was going to curl up and dry off in the closest cave and make a plan. That was the smart thing to do, right?

So the young male crept through the grass, staying low and sniffing the cave entrance thoroughly before deciding to enter. It seemed unoccupied to him. Sometime felt off, but since he couldn't put a paw on it,  Rowen finally shrugged and settled down to groom himself and let his downy fluff dry for a while.