
Step Lightly


07-10-2013, 05:09 AM

The ghostly brute shuddered, his teeth clacking as the water began to freeze his bones. The pains he felt ebbed away. Filling him with pure numbness now, which he was sure that's what Yin had felt as well. Staring at his reflection, he winced a little in surprise as Yin pressed against his body. Glancing at her, he attempted a grin. was a teeth clattering failed attempt. He looked around, looking for a sign, a hint of some secret safe place that could stay for the night. He nudged Yin to follow him, as he waded to the other side of the pool. His paws swept silently up the shallow slope, to a small rock overhang. Turning towards Yin, he fixed his ocean blue gaze on her "I think I found a place to sleep, it looks like a tight fit, He glanced at the small opening, then back to Yin, "But I think we can squeeze in."

The man sighed in preparation. He'd test it out before she came up, to make sure they could fit. And if it was too small, at least she wouldn't have the misfortune of getting stuck. He walked towards it, head lowered as he pressed his nose to the ground to scent the area, ensuring it was free of any danger. So far, it seemed like the coast was clear. He pushed aside the ferns that partially covered the small entrance, and peered inside. goes nothin' He ducked his head in, crouching low to the ground. His belly pressed against the earth, his shoulders and back scraping the top as he crawled his way in. It was a tight fit, but the further he went he saw that it began to widen out.

He raised himself slowly, in case his head bonked the ceiling. He was feet inside the den now, and the more he rose the more he realized the hole was bigger then it looked. He could stand, his ears barely brushing the top of the den. Smiling as he looked around, it looked like it could fit several wolves...maybe house a small pack even. The walls were smooth on one side, at the back there was the jutting rocks of the formations that created it from the outside. Dirt and more rock on the right side of the den, and just between that and the rock formations, with closer inspection, he noticed that it led away into a tunnel. He carefully walked towards it, eyes, nose, and ears peeled for any signs of danger. As he neared, he stared down into the tunnel. Only to see nothing but darkness. Where did it lead? Curious as he was, he wasn't about to go in alone. Maybe they'd figure it out later. In any case, it would be a good escape plan if the vile beasts mate came looking for them. He turned and quickly went back out, poking his head out of the entrance he called to the ivory colored woman. "Yin! Come look! I found a place we could stay!"

Speech, Thought, Actions, You