
Rainbow Road



2 Years

Trick 2019
11-24-2018, 03:40 PM
Bjorn went still as a tall black and white form emerged into his view, both like and yet unlike the dogs of the mountain. His mind quickly observed and categorized the canine's features, considering and rejecting possibilities from long-memorized drawings and illustrations from the human artifacts carefully preserved within the mountain and used as teaching aids, until he was left with one last possibility. The enemy of the humans, and of his own people, for time out of mind.


His heartbeat sped up just the slightest bit, his expression alert, the only thing that betrayed the sudden increase in tension in an otherwise relaxed posture. Their territory had been clear of wolves for so long that many of the younger shepherds considered them just a myth, a bedtime story used to scare little pups into doing what they were told. Bjorn, who had spent a great deal of his spare time in the old Library, knew better. But the human writings were divided in opinion. Some did speak of their savage nature and their evil wild ways, but others spoke of a nobility and kindness. The official Teachings, of course, focused on the former rather than the latter.

Wolves were the enemy of Man, and an enemy of Man was the enemy of the shepherds.

That Teaching was kept firmly in mind to temper his curiosity with caution as Bjorn watched quietly as the canine wandered around his field of vision. His blunt muzzle lifted to test the air, catching both the snow scent that was causing her concern and the wolf's own scent. She was an older female, one whose body had never carried a litter if her appearance was anything to judge by, and she bore a feather in her fur and a strange blue... he reached for the word from the human books... hat, on her head made of feathers as well.

Bjorn continued to watch with the same wary alertness, without fear but calmly, with the knowledge that violence was right beneath the surface should he need to let it free.