
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)



07-10-2013, 07:07 AM

Crusade had come stepping with with her mate and her family behind her. Gargoyle had already spoken some with her. She knew the topic of the meeting that so many wolves had drawn together for. It was wonderful to see how quickly they all gathered, she only wished that there was better news to announce. Still, in Crusade's eyes, things could always be worse. They had eachother -and for a wolf who had been tortured and imprisoned on her own on more than one occasion, that was a blessing she truly appreciated. But there were some at this meeting who hadn't come along with the main group from Glaciem. Rogue was back! And the black odd-eyed male had Gargoyle had said saved Asheni's life once.

And there were more - two white strangers that Crusade didn't know. Yet they introduced themselves. Apparently they were the ruling pair before their pack had disbanded. And now, without any hesitance they were willing to pledge their loyalty to Gargoyle. Crusade cast a glance in the Chief's direction. Sometimes she only saw her 'baby brother' when she looked at him, it was another reminder that he was his own wolf. As powerful, no, no, in many ways more powerful than herself.

She figured that early on, she would be called upon to say something, and indeed, she had much to say, but it was for Gargoyle to begin the meeting, and until then Crusade was content to gather her hindlegs and flop her rump down beside her mate.