
Homecoming King



2 Years
Extra large
11-24-2018, 06:48 PM

It was unbearably good to be home. Even though he didn't have a definite home per se, Boreas was closer than anything else Orion had ever known. Weariness had been with him for so long that the young male had grown used to it's presence but now he was revitalized, just to have been roaming somewhat familiar lands again. He, for the first time in a long time, had a rough idea what would wait over the horizon if he ventured in any given direction. He had not found his mother, sure. He'd given up on the hope, even if he held onto his love for her, to indulge in the love of his brother and sister instead. You know, once he found them.

The Devil's Spout was pretty much uninhabitable, but it made for a warm and spectacular view while Orion rested himself for a day. He had found himself a small rise, fallen away into a gently sloping cliff on the side facing the most active geysers, but far enough away to view them only at a distance. He wasn't vain necessarily, but he preferred an in-tact pelt to disfiguring burn scars, thanks all the same. Just then he heard a faint rumble in the earth, and perhaps a quarter mile out in the wasteland before and gout of water and mist and steam rocketed into the sky. The young mile smiled, large fangs becoming even more pronounced as his lips pulled back.

It certainly isn't the worst way to spend a day, he mused to himself. He never got sick of witnessing the land's magnificent fury. More than once he'd imagined what it would look like to see something get rocketed into the sky, but the aftermath would probably be a bit gruesome... Hmm. He shrugged and waited for the next display. Orion had dearly missed the north's splendor, but he was excited to venture farther through the lands as well. He had been very young when he'd followed after Artemis season ago. The prospect of being more able bodied and able to explore places he couldn't reach before was enticing to say the least. But for today, rest.

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