
Homecoming King


11-24-2018, 10:21 PM


Lyrae was keen to get started on the duties that became her own after joining a pack. Becoming a scout was actually a really interesting turn of events. She did like to explore, and now she had a base of operations, a safe place to return to. People, to be around. She might have lost her family, but she was slowly gaining a new on in Fyri. it made her loyalties to the pack absolute, and her need to train for her position rather important.

Stars where an interesting thing, and having spent so much of her life studying, she knew enough to travel by them.. Sort of. It was a work in progress, like finding the Northern Star and oriantating herself by it. It was an inexact science, but it used her knowledge of the universe, and it was fun.

Navigating by the day was a little trickier, and she was careful to keep careful watch on her directions, marking herself a path incase an unexpected downpour washed away her scent. It was with this distraction that she made her way into the Devil’s Spout, and as she wondered on through, a sudden eruption would happen not to far from her. She gave a cat-like yelp of surprise, fur standing on end, and weight on her toes as she stared at the gushing water and felt the warmth of it from here. what in all the worlds…

Art by Sigath