
Mostly Spiders



2 Years
Extra large
11-25-2018, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 12:44 AM by Orion.)

The north was great and all, but Orion had decided to leave it behind for the time being. Sure, the early snows and frost were invigorating, but could you really blame him for wanting to soak up the last days of marginally mild weather before true winter set in? And after meeting a kind old shewolf in a weird, spooky forest the south was already proving way more interesting than the north. The autumn colors were currently in full swing, and the day was still young. The sky was blue, the wind was brisk, and he had the rest of the day to dick around and do whatever he wanted, really. He waded through the sea of ferns which surrounded him, and amused himself by occasionally ducking his head down to survey the hidden world beneath the fronds. He mostly found spiders.

But anyways, seeing as he'd even managed to snag a meal that morning first thing, the day was his to waste as he pleased. The fronds were beginning to brown, and the trees on the gully's edge were a brilliant mix of orange and yellow. He turned towards the highest ground he could find and made his way there, weaving amongst the ferns until he was able to turn and look out over the rippling sea of fronds. The serene beauty was great and all, but he could only spend so much time hypnotized by the rippling waves before his attention span began to wander. Well. Odds seemed good that there was something around him to devote a bit more brain power to. Just had to find it first.
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